New Bank Building

Started by ddurbin, February 04, 2007, 08:59:33 AM

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from Moline newspaper  April 29, 1910

On account of the unsanitary condition of the old building and on account of its inadequacy in space to accomodate its growing business the Moline National Bank will soon erect a new two-story modern building on the corner north of the Palace Hotel where it has owned a lot for several years in anticipation of the emergency that has arisen.

The new building will occupy the entire lot 25 by 150 ft and will be modern in every way.  All the rooms on both floors not to be occupied by the banking business have been rented.  This building will be a credit to the town and shows the enterprize of the institution behind it.

June 3, 1910

The Moline National Bank has begun work on their new building which they are building on the corner north of the Palace Hotel.  Architect F. F. Fletcher of Independence furnished the plans and the contract has been let to S. L. Farnham of this city.  The letting of the contract to Mr. Farnham is good in two respects; it insures the building of a good solid structure, well built and sound from bottom of foundation to top of cornice, and it keeps the money at home.

This enterprising bank is adding to the substantial buildings in the city and deserve the gratitude of all the citizens for the improvements they are adding to the town.

Janet Harrington

So, just exactly where is the corner north of the Palace Hotel?  Would that be where Fred's Grocery used to be?  The corner of Main and 2nd, on the southwest corner?


The Palace Hotel was located on the lot where Moline's water tower is now.  The Bank Building was just across the hwy to the north, where Leedo Cabinets is now.  Up until it burned, it was used as a cafe.  A picture post card of the Bank recently sold on ebay for $86. 

Janet Harrington

Well, having been in the Corner Cafe many times, I can understand why it was a bank first.  I would love to have a picture of that building.  $86.00.  What a price.

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