The Crime Called Ethanol . . .

Started by redcliffsw, January 29, 2016, 06:11:10 AM

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Cruzing on Empty

Cruz has at least criticized the federal Renewable Fuels Standard – the law behind the force-feeding of ethanol alcohol down the gullets of Americans and their cars.

Big money – and big pressure.

Cruz recently stated that "market access (for ethanol) is critical" and even gone so far as to argue that anti-trust laws be "vigorously enforced to ensure that the oil and gas industry cannot block access to the market for ethanol producers."

But ethanol has never been blocked from entering the market. The problem is just the opposite. Ethanol producers want a "market" created for their product – enforced by government. They want to suppress the market's verdict about ethanol, bypass the preferences expressed by Americans for gasoline rather than ethanol-adulterated "gas."oily Cruz

They want ethanol forced down our throats – and into our tanks.

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