What Is A Neocon? . . .

Started by redcliffsw, November 21, 2015, 06:04:53 AM

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Neocons support deficit spending. In this, they are far worse than overt liberals. For example, liberals in the Democrat Party want to tax-and-spend, while neocons in the Republican Party want to borrow-and-spend. Between the two, deficit spending is worse because it gives the federal government (and the globalists who influence and leech off them) unlimited spending--and thus unlimited profits. Beyond that, the inevitable result of unrestrained spending is WAR: globalists' biggest cash cow of all. They win coming and going.

Notice how neocons John Boehner and Paul Ryan (with support from the vast majority of congressmen from both sides of the aisle) so quickly and easily raised the federal debt ceiling again--and for, not one, but TWO YEARS. This, in essence, gives Barack Obama his ninth year in office. Why would they do this? They are neocons, that's why.

So, folks, forget party labels. Forget the left-right, liberal-conservative paradigm. These are the issues that neocons in Congress are using to drive national politics today--and these are the issues that are killing independence and freedom in the United States.   

Folks, keep this list and use it to gauge your congressman and senators, as well as our presidential candidates. No matter what they call themselves, if they support these issues, they are NEOCONS.

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