“We Are All Fascists Now” . . .

Started by redcliffsw, November 30, 2014, 08:32:43 AM

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The current White House occupant presented himself as a problem-solver who'd use government to solve problems. This is the statist mindset. He evidently has leftist-socialist-progressive leanings, but like all presidents since FDR who have that bias, he has been perfectly content with working it out and putting it into effect via the fascist state.

Nixon should have said of American politicians "We are all fascists now."

But as with all politicians being Keynesians now, so with all being fascists now. Repeated applications of Keynesianism and fascism haven't solved any problems. They've made them all worse. They've created new problems.

Militarism is a facet of the fascist state. America's continual wars overseas are related to the fascist state.

These wars and the domestic (and fascist) war on drugs have caused militarized police forces and deadly police violence across America. Riots in Ferguson bear a direct relation to these causes. Fascism has corrupted the justice system.

Fascism has taken over the political system and it's invaded the social system.

Neither major political party offers a choice that's different from fascism.

This situation will not change until many more Americans decide that statism is the problem, not the solution.
-Michael S. Rozeff

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