The Myth of the “Good School District” . . .

Started by redcliffsw, October 30, 2014, 06:53:56 AM

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Is there a Government Training Camp (i.e. "public school system") that actually teaches Objective Analysis? Logical Thinking? Individual Responsibility? What constitutes Freedom? Liberty? How about an American History course that would make Tom Woods proud (even if it might have a deleterious financial impact on Prof. Woods' "Liberty Classroom")?

I would encourage all who can to whatever possible to secure that "good school district" by removing your children ASAP from the Government Training Camps, hustle them into private, parochial or home schooling as expediently as time and sacrifice will permit before any more of their formative brain cells get zapped, their individuality castrated and their minds turned into government cheese.
-Brian Wilson

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