Possum on the half-shell!

Started by Joanna, February 28, 2007, 07:34:24 AM

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Well, I'm thinking that Lois and I could join up as a team.  She could call 'em, I could trap 'em, and Wilma could be in charge of selling them to some fancy eatin' joint in the big city.  We'll all be rich!


But who's going to be in charge of "dressin' 'em out?"  It ain't gonna be me!!!!! Or are they going to be advertised as "fresh from the field?"   (Good thing I've already eaten, as this could ruin anyone's appetite)


That sounds good to me.  We could just sell them on the hoof, foot, claw or whatever they are called on the dillies.  Or maybe we could get a volunteer to dress them out.  I wonder what it would cost to ship them live.


Wilma, I hadn't thought about that part...  Yech! I'm not dressing them out either.  I don't have a big enough can opener to get inside that armor anyhow.   

But, I'm sure you are right and they'd need to be sold on the hoof to provide the freshest possible product.  Maybe you could check into mailing them out ~ like they do the chicks in Spring.   

As an offshoot business, maybe someone else on the Forum could build dillo tanks for the restaurants to display them ~ like they do lobsters ~ and folks could choose their own dinner. 

Whaddya think Lois, are we getting nutty enough to make money yet???


Joanna and Wilma, I'm going to have to forego this business venture for the next couple of weeks anyway, or if you and WIlma would like to proceed, feel free to do so. :)  A few weeks ago I had a case of cough/cold, and finally got rid of it.  Then about 10 days ago, Don came down with it, and he's still "barking at the coyotes" then yesterday afternoon, I started coming down with it again, and  this evening I'm not up to callin' the "dillos" :'(   So, if you want to find someone else for the job, go ahead :)


AW, shucks, Lois, if you are feelin' poorly, reckon as to how we can wait fer you to get back on your feet.  Meanwhile, Joanna can just transport and free any critters she catches as long as she doesn't come south with them.


You know,  I know an onery person (hmm, hmm) that saw a dead armadillo in the road and knew that this road was traveled on by many other friends.  So this person put on gloves, turned the armadillo over on its back and propped a beer can in its claws/feet and just waited and watched.  Wouldn't pay much, but we could come up with other substitue items for any "dead ones"  to have a hold of.  We could always sell them to be placed in people's front lawns or something.  (Sorry about the sick humor.)   Just thinking of other business ventures for our ingenious forum members.


Hey I think you can sell any thing. I read where some peoplle from western Kansas sold tumble weeds on E-bay. I also saw on tv that some guy here in the US was raising giant rabbits. They were 20 some pounds. He said the gaovenment of China was knocking on his door wanting to buy them for a fast growing food source. Dillie Dillies seem to populate fast too????


You're right Marjean, people will sell (and buy) anything!

I just caught another rabbit today.  He was sure happy to get free!  I know they're rodents and I shouldn't be so soft-hearted, but that's life.

I moved my trap to another "trail" out near a building.  I haven't seen any armadilllos for a couple nights, but it's hard to believe that the one I caught was the only one.  Maybe the bunnies hate them as much as I do and they ran 'em off!  (Bunny Mercenaries, another marketing idea???)

I'll keep trying for a few days just to be sure.  Thanks for all the moral support ::)


Okay - so y'all got me curious and I checked out eBay.

Someone's selling a stuffed armadillo: Item # 260091544122 (with a bid already)

and a couple of people are selling post cards with pictures of armadillos: Item # 320057948274   and Item # 150019986383.

Then there are several armadillo-shaped purses (such as Item # 180090120355)

Christmas cards (Item # 160025799823)

and . . .

Armadillo in a can (Item # 270088222456) - ewwww!!!

I'd post the actual links, but I don't know how to make a "short link" to the auctions.

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