Liberals Now Arguing for a Lesbian’s Right to Have Sex With a 14-Year-Old Girl

Started by Warph, May 23, 2013, 12:37:54 AM

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Sick... sick... sick... now you know why Obuma needs to be impeached & Chris Hayes of  MSNBC fired!  Obuma brought all of this on America.

Also, Kaitlyn Hunt — the lesbian charged with two counts of felony lewd and lascivious battery on a child — is a blonde who's kinda cute, and who could object to cute blonde teenage lesbians? Here's a local news video:

While some readers may be struggling to resist the temptation to Google "blonde + teen + lesbian," let me remind you sick freaks that if you were to download photos or videos of what Kaitlyn Hunt is charged with doing to a 14-year-old girl, that would be a federal crime.

If the feds could send you disgusting perverts to prison for those photos, how do the enlightened minds at Think Progress manage to portray the perpetrator of these acts as a victim of bigotry?

Because it was "a consensual, same-sex relationship," that's why!

Also, Kaitlyn's mom (who apparently can't spell "zealot") says that the parents of the 14-year-old who pressed charges are "out to destroy my daughter [because] they feel like my daughter 'made' their daughter gay," and these "bigoted, religious" parents "see being gay as a sin and wrong, and they blame my daughter."

See? You deviant weirdos thought Jailbait Lesbian School Girls was just a popular DVD title, but now it's a civil right.

And the only people who disagree are bigoted religious zealots — including the authorities in Indian River County, Florida:

"If this was an 18-year-old male and that was a 14-year-old girl, it would have been prosecuted the same way," Indian River County Sheriff Deryl Loar said during a Monday news conference. . . .
"The idea is to protect people in that vulnerable group from people who are older, 18 and above," said Bruce Colton, state attorney for Florida's 19th circuit, which includes Indian River County and other parts of the Treasure Coast. "...The statute specifically says that consent is not a defense."

Colton said . . .  this case exemplifies the purpose of the current law and added he would not support any effort to make consensual relationships among peers legal.
"There's a big maturity difference between them," he said. "You're talking the difference between a senior in high school and a freshman in high school. That's what the law is designed to protect."

But . . . consensual! equality!

These are the only arguments offered by the "Stop the Hate" crowd at Daily Kos, evidently willing to declare open season on Florida 14-year-olds in order to be consistent in their ideology. And if you disagree with them, you're just a hater.

Left Defends Accused Sex Offender Because She's Lesbian

Why so judgmental, Newsbusters? Don't you understand the "emerging awareness" doctrine of the Lawrence v. Texas decision? And isn't it only logical that this "emerging awareness" would eventually include the constitutional right to bang a ninth-grader?

So if the "Stop the Hate" petitioners get their way, Florida will be overrun by a stampede of perverts following around school-girls in hopes of getting some of that "consensual" action. And they'll call it Progress.

UPDATE: The freaks have a hashtag (#FreeKate) with some of the usual suspects, including Chris Hayes of MSNBC:

All In w/Chris Hayes  MSNBC      ✔ @allinwithchris
Kaitlyn Hunt: "i try to talk to all my supporters... to as many
people as I can..I try to say thank you."
#inners #freekate


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"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

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