Elk County Commission Meeting - 3/25/2013

Started by Patriot, March 25, 2013, 06:36:19 PM

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Nothing earth shattering, but we're still in business.

The Board unanimously approved a resolution establishing a 'hold' fund in the budget to account for PILOT funds.

The Commission finally got two comparable (what was so tough about that?) competing bids for new carpet in areas of the courthouse where existing carpet has posed a tripping hazard for months.  The Board, in a 3-nothing vote accepted a bid for just over $8,000 to do the job.  This writer still isn't sure why we needed two different colors in different areas, but at least the 2+ year old carpet problem is behind us.

A new solid waste plan was approved with only minor changes to the current plan.

The recycling department asked (again) for permission to accept used tires in an effort to curtail random dumping in the county.  If approved, the taxpayers would only be 'on the hook' for $1.75/tire ($175/ton) for disposal of the waste.  I guess these folks didn't get the 'saving taxpayers money memo'.  The commission declined, and Ritz suggested that perhaps we should be enforcing the unlawful dumping statutes instead of paying the trash fees for a few citizens who are breaking those laws.

The matter of vacation/sick leave for EMS personnel was settled after weeks of consternation.  Because the EMS work week is calculated at 64 hours (as opposed to 40 for other hourly wage earners), their vacation/sick leave will be calculated on that basis, retroactive to January 1.  These workers were taken off salary and put on hourly wages in December 2012.  Author's note:  Another no-brainer, IMO, but whatever.

In a visit from our work comp insurer, the Board learned what our recent claims rates have been.

One of our fellow citizens requested a fence viewing based on his assertion that a neighbor had improperly moved boundary markers placed during a properly recorded survey made several years ago.  The county counselor advised that such boundary disputes are civil matters over which the Commission had no authority to intervene.  The citizen was advised to seek legal counsel and consider taking action on his own behalf.

Commissioner Ritz asked that department heads begin working on their 2014 budget proposals for presentation to the board for consideration in the near future.  The Appraiser, on pointing out that the tax assessments would not be available until summer, was reminded by Ritz that his impression was that her approach seemed focused on how much money would be available to spend while his request was centered on how much spending was being proposed as the county needed to begin looking at wants vs. needs, with an eye on eliminating wasteful spending.

Commissioner Ritz again emphasized his desire that all department heads/representatives meet at least once monthly in an effort to improve internal communications/problem resolution.  All departments present agreed and will begin such meetings.

During public forum, the fact that the Kansas flag was not being flown at the courthouse or the Sheriff's office was addressed.  The Board seemed surprised by the fact (I guess they never look up), and the maintenance supervisor offered no good reason why a political subdivision of the State was not flying it's flag.  The general finding was that the county procure Kansas flags... and put them up.

Commissioner Hebb brought up a citizen complaint regarding large rock being used on one of our county roads.  Though Hebb indicated that the latest distribution of the rock was on a road that already seemed to have a rather solid base, the other two commissioners had little productive comment on the matter.

After discussing a few other minor matters, and after approving payment of bills in an amount just north of $140,000 for the last couple of weeks, the board took a break before entertaining a motion to go into executive session to discuss potential disciplinary measures while protecting the privacy of non-elected personnel.

Just an observation on department reports (a regular meeting feature)... the county economic development director/youth coordinator was not present for the meeting... again... and the Office of the Sheriff was not represented either.  All other departments/offices appeared to be present and/or accounted for.

Side Note:  Elections are coming & some USD 282 positions are up.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


      Again, thanks for the information, Patriot.


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Aside from the   :-X  beautifully, and well expounded pontification of your personal 'asides'.... ;)  I do appreciate a well  written recap of those minutes. 
Thank you!



Quote from: readyaimduck on March 25, 2013, 10:00:56 PM
Aside from the   :-X  beautifully, and well expounded pontification of your personal 'asides'.... ;)  I do appreciate a well  written recap of those minutes. 
Thank you!


Thanks, but if you want to see 'asides' and 'pontifications', you need to have attended 2 years+ of our county commission meetings..... I'm an amateur compared to some of our county folks (past & present).

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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