Jefferson Davis Was Right! . . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, March 07, 2013, 11:42:20 AM

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"Having achieved your independence, having passed through the Confederation, you assented to the formation of our present constitutional Union. You did not surrender your sovereignty. Your fathers had sacrificed too much to claim, as a reward of their toil, merely that they should have a change of masters; and a change of masters it would have been had Massachusetts surrendered her State Sovereignty to the Central Government, and consented that the Central Government should have the power to coerce a State. But if this power does not exist, if this sovereignty has not been surrendered, then who can deny the words of soberness and truth spoken by your candidate this evening, when he has pleaded to you the cause of State independence, and the right of a community to be judge of its own domestic affairs?" – Address of Jefferson Davis at Faneuil Hall, Boston, Oct. 12, 1858


If Jefferson Davis was alive today a drone strike would take him out and there would have been no civil war?


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