Take a look... it's worth it

Started by Patriot, February 07, 2013, 02:54:45 PM

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If you haven't seen it... you might consider doing so.

God Made a Farmer:

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


      Best super bowl commercial in some time. Hard to beat Paul Harvey.

     They played it at the end of the conservation meeting last night for those who missed it.

     Makes one lean toward giving Dodge one up.


and now for the rest of the story.  Next to Chrysler, Dodge is the best vehicle made.  I drive a Dodge, or rather, I own a Dodge which my drivers drive for me.  A commercial that doesn't blast you out of your recliner is nice for a change and much easier to remember.


Bull, '
. I thought the video was great in honoring the farmers but I also understand that Dodge paid to produce it and paid for air time and if not for them, the masses would have not seen  it.


Quote from: jarhead on February 08, 2013, 10:26:59 AM
I thought the video was great in honoring the farmers but I also understand that Dodge paid to produce it and paid for air time and if not for them, the masses would have not seen  it.

New there's a Marine who sees clearly and has his priorities right.  Thanks jar.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


       You should spend your time watching the clip, over and over. Dodge contibutes money to the FFA for every view.

      Then you would actually be doing something productive , instead of creating a fantasy.

      Your vieled insinuations are juvenille.


       I woudn't expect you to understand why one would choose a product based on the principles  of the company.

     And I have no doubt that your purchases are anything but the cheapest you can find.

     It's easy for me to buy AMERICAN from a company that promotes AMERICAN values. I would imagine your Wal-mart treasures are most likley CHINESE. As well as your Korean car.

Diane Amberg

 Why be so rude?
I have a 2000 Ford Focus that still suits me fine. I go to Walmart just once a year for Halloween candy. It's quite far off and not usually worth the gas  to go there.   They do have huge aisles full of candy at good prices. Otherwise I shop local and American whenever I can, same as I'm sure you do.


        What, and give you another opportunity to tell us all about you ?

       It's not worth it.

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