Sheriff Hanks you should read this!!!

Started by Varmit, February 02, 2013, 08:11:13 AM

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January 31, 2013
Law Enforcement officials around the country have come out against the Gun Ban.
Some have sent letters to their residents and to Vice President Biden.

Sheriff Mueller – Wrote a letter to Vice President Biden saying he will not enforce any gun ban, and will stop federal officers from enforcing it in his county, Linn County, Oregon – You can read his letter below.
You can see their letters and video interviews on this page.
If you are opposed to the Assault Weapons Ban you should take a stand, here's how:
Send this letter to your local Law Enforcement Official:

Dear Sheriff ________________,

As the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in _______________County you were required to take an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Having taken that oath I would like to know if you will honor your oath by refusing to enforce Federal rules, regulations and directives that violate the Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights.

The Second Amendment clearly proclaims that the people have a right to own guns and in the Bill of Rights, the government is prohibited from infringing on the right of the people to own guns if they choose to do so.

Your primary job is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the rights of the people that live in ______________ County. The Supreme Court has ruled that the Federal government has no lawful jurisdiction in the counties and that when a Sheriff chooses to enforce an unconstitutional directive, he is violating his Constitutional Oath.

The people of _______________ County are the employer and you are the employee and we expect you to represent us and not the Federal government. As your employer, I would like to know if you are given an order that violates the Constitution, will you honor your oath or will you do as directed by the President of the United States.


Copy of Sheriff Tim Muellers Letter to Biden
Dear Mr. Vice President,   I am Sheriff Tim Mueller, elected twice by the citizens of Linn County Oregon who have entrusted me with a noble cause: to keep them and their families safe. My deputies and I take that responsibility very seriously and, like you, have sworn to support the Constitution of the United States. I take that oath equally as serious as protecting our citizens. I have worked for the people of Linn County for over 28 years as a member of the Linn County Sheriff's Office as well as serving three years active duty as a Military Police Officer in the US Army, where I also swore a similar oath.

In the wake of the recent criminal events, politicians are attempting to exploit the deaths of innocent victims by advocating for laws that would prevent honest, law abiding Americans from possessing certain firearms and ammunition magazines. We are Americans. We must not allow, nor shall we tolerate, the actions of criminals, no matter how heinous the crimes, to prompt politicians to enact laws that will infringe upon the liberties of responsible citizens who have broken no laws.

Any federal regulation enacted by Congress or by executive order of the President offending the constitutional rights of my citizens shall not be enforced by me or by my deputies, nor will I permit the enforcement of any unconstitutional regulations or orders by federal officers within the borders of Linn County Oregon.

In summary, it is the position of this Sheriff that I refuse to participate, or stand idly by, while my citizens are turned into criminals due to the unconstitutional actions of misguided politicians.

Respectfully,  –   Sheriff Tim Mueller    –  Linn County Oregon

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


From: Sheriff Stanley Sniff, Riverside County, California February 1, 2013

To: The Honorable Dianne Feinstein Washington DC

Re: Opposed to "Assault Weapons Ban of 2013"

Dear Senator Feinstein:

I serve as the elected Sheriff of Riverside County and have done so since 2007. Riverside County, at nearly 2.3 million residents, is California's 4th most populous, as well as the 4th largest in sheer physical size at 7,300 sq miles, of our State's 58 counties. The Riverside County Sheriff's Department, at nearly 2,200 sworn employees and nearly 4,000 full-time employees is the 5th largest of California's police and sheriff's departments. In addition to providing court security, coroner operations, and jail operations, the Sheriff's department provides police services under contract to 17 of our county's 28 cities.

I have served in full-time sworn California law enforcement since 1975, first as a city police officer, and then within the Riverside County Sheriff's Department. I also was commissioned as an Army officer and retired from the Army Reserve as a colonel after 30 years of service. I have had over 4 decades of participation in the various shooting sports, and am very familiar with public safety, the criminal justice system, military weapons, and the firearms policy issues involved in both past and current debates on gun control.

I have taken the time to review the materials your office has put out publicly on your recently proposed federal legislation "Assault Weapons ban of 2013." Although our state and local law enforcement agencies do not enforce federal laws, and you have served our State well over many years in many ways, I do not support this proposed legislation, and I recommend others in Congress also oppose it.

In many ways your bill unreasonably impinges on the Second Amendment, and it focuses largely on purely "cosmetic" features of legitimate sporting, hunting and recreational firearms already in widespread use within our nation. The cosmetic issues alone cause far too much meaningless complexity for law enforcement officers, and worse, could cause common citizens to unintentionally commit crimes that have serious potential sanctions.

What really concerns me is that the term "assault weapon or assault rifle" is a misnomer, coined by gun control advocates that also incorrectly use that term with the phrase "weapons of war (or, "weapons from the battlefield") have no business on our civilian streets," in an effort to frighten or confuse the public. Even a little research will underscore that military "assault rifles" fire fully automatic, or 3-round burst, and that military feature is their defining characteristic. These civilian-style semi-automatic rifles are essentially no different — other than cosmetics — than millions of other semi-automatic rifles used by civilians for hunting, competition and sporting purposes — for generations of Americans for over a century.

Many of our state and local law enforcement agencies authorize these very same civilian-style semi-automatic rifles that are subject to your ban for self-purchase, in lieu of spending increasingly scarce taxpayer collars, to practice with and to use on-duty as patrol rifles in order to defend themselves, for use at the distance we see in our rural areas. It would seem that same self-defense use for our citizens, not in law enforcement, in much of our nation's rural areas, should also be part of their inherent right pursuant to the Second Amendment. In this same fashion, some of the shotguns you seek to ban are used by our officers and should also be available to citizens for hunting, recreation and self-defense as well. Again the cosmetic attributes seem to be the defining criteria.

The central target of your proposed bill — the AR-15 series platform — is probably the most prolific rifle platform in our country today. It is enormously popular because it is "uniquely American," modular, adaptable for the size and sex of the user, and is capable of multiple uses: hunting, competition, recreational shooting and self-defense. Because of the generally high costs involved in those rifles, it is relatively rare that law enforcement comes into contact with them in contrast to smaller, more concealable, and cheaper firearms.

The AR-15 series semi-automatic rifle is literally a modern American "musket," and that is evidenced by the massive panic-buying going today as a result of your proposed bill and still others at the state level.

I think all of us universally support increased efforts in keeping firearms (and other weapons) out of the hands of those who should not have them, and increased sanctions for those who willfully misuse them. In your own State, California, we could dearly use greatly increased funding for our overcrowded local jails and state prisons, so that those very sanctions would have meaning and deterrent value.

I thank you for your long and distinguished service to our State and to our Nation, but I urge you to abandon this bill, as it is really a "pretext gun control" bill for increased regulations that are unreasonable and unnecessary. And, I believe it is overreaching within the context of our Second Amendment. It places legitimate citizens, both now and in the future, at potential risk of not being able to lawfully defend themselves, or to participate in legitimate recreational shooting sports that should be available to all across our great nation. In the end, I believe this proposed bill will cause far more harm than any good.

I remain at your service, and can be reached in Riverside at (951)955-0147 or for any further information or questions.

Sincerely, Stan Sniff, Sheriff Riverside County Sheriff's Department

cc: The Honorable Barbara Boxer, United States Senator

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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