Will retention work for Kansas third-graders who can’t read?

Started by Ross, February 03, 2013, 04:00:50 PM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 06, 2013, 11:55:35 AM
Thanks for your comments. I waqs nice to read something sincere and civil.
Yes, I know most people don't care what I'm up to, but there are some who are interested. They just don't post any longer. I'll be hearing from them to find out what's going on by e-mail or facebook and in one case perhaps even by phone. As far as Elk County business, of course I don't live there, but I do have ''interests" there, including family and friends. Remember, you don't have to ever read what I post.
Diane, who is your family in Elk county?


Quote from: Patriot on February 06, 2013, 12:02:23 PM
Rosewolf... consider that Diana makes a nice tool.  Local elitists can feed her ideas via FB, email & even phone and use her to distract or present arguments that they know are unpopular, but that advance their local agenda.  As a self absorbed narcissist, she loves the attention.  As manipulative leftists, the local group love the opportunity to manipulate from behind the curtain.

LOL I would have to agree

Diane Amberg

ELK, I can't share that because I don't want trouble for them. Some of my father's cousins' families, on his mothers side, are in Kansas too, but not in Elk County.   Actually my sister and I are the only ones not out in the mid west somewhere.
Pat you are so wrong. Since you folks don't pay any attention to me, I'd make a pretty poor tool don't you think?Very off subject...again. But, it gave you another chance to say something mean again. Do you turn and take a bow and expect clapping and adoration when you do that. Pretty cheap shots.

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