Russell Means: Renegade, Patriot, Freedom Fighter . . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, November 02, 2012, 12:41:04 PM

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Good read to understand American history and today.

If the Soviet Union had somehow managed to invade and occupy the United States, the regime it would have imposed on the country would have differed little, if at all, from the Indian reservation system – which, let us not forget, was constructed by Carl Schurz, a German-born socialist who had been one of Lincoln's "Red Generals" during the war against the South.
-Will Grigg


Way before wounded knee I had experienced first hand of Russell Means and AIMI lived in Farmington NM..They sit up a camp out side of town They taught over a plant in Shiprock that made computer parts held in for 5 days destroyed the building ,300 or more Indians that worked there lost jobs . THey had a small group that tryed to take over mydads drilling rig ,but we got it out before they do any thing to it.But they did get a bigger rig that couldnt move had those men held for couple days before let them go ,did a lot of damage in the four corners.


I went back and called a friend in NM.he said what happened in Farmington and Shiprock was couple years after Wounded Knee. HE reminded me that they   disrupted a   parade and pulled       people off horses and beat them.It was amess around therefor couple months

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