Speaking of someone watching you at home...

Started by Patriot, December 05, 2012, 11:53:51 AM

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What could possibly go wrong?  This has broad market & social implications, anyone wishing to discuss the political implications of this might consider doing so in the Politics forum. You can do so here: http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,14708.0.html

Verizon Patent: Camera on DVR Would Watch You, Send Relevant Advertising
Wednesday, 05 Dec 2012 09:50 AM
By Mark Holthaus

...Verizon wants to use the digital video recorders sitting in many homes to film and record viewers so it can send targeted ads to their TVs.

Using infrared cameras and microphones on the DVR, Verizon could watch and listen in on anyone within what it calls in the patent application a "detection zone." If a couple is sitting on a couch in said zone and is arguing — or "cuddling," as the patent application speculates — then some kind of advertising can be directed to them related to, say, marriage counseling. Or in the latter instance, contraception.

If someone in the detection zone — about the size of a small living room, as sketched in the patent application — is exercising, eating, laughing, singing, or playing a musical instrument, Verizon would know it. Sensors could also determine what type of pets or inanimate objects are in the room.

Full story:  http://www.newsmax.com/TheWire/verizon-camera-DVR-advertising/2012/12/05/id/466531

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