Mass Fatalities . . .

Started by redcliffsw, October 06, 2012, 09:21:43 AM

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Again, the reader comments following the article add perspective....

Simon; maybe you haven't been keeping up with events in the US but this is only one small snipped of what has been going on. Here are a few other examples of disturbing events:

FEMA has built multiple "refugee" camps throughout the USA that can house millions of citizens "in case of natural disasters". There are web sites that pinpoint the location of these camps. The scary thing is that all of the camps are surrounded with high barbed wire fences, with the wire facing INWARDS. Why the fences? Why the need to keep displaced citizens inside them? FEMA has also ordered millions of body bags.

HSA and other Fed departments have ordered over 1.5 BILLION rounds of ammunition, most of it non-military calibers such as S&W .40. Departments ordering ammo include Environment and Social Security?

HSA has ordered thousands of pounds of civilian grade explosives making materials, ostensibly for 'training bomb sniffing dogs'. The amount works out to hundreds of pounds for every such dog in America.

Obama has passed more Executive Orders than all prior Presidents combined. A group of these detail 'emergency measures' which transfer control of civilian assets directly to the President in the event of "an emergency" (not defined anywhere in the EO's). These include all agriculture, all telecommunications, all food distribution, all firearms & ammunition and on and on it goes.

I never took conspiracy theorists seriously until even I couldn't deny the sheer scariness of these things all taken together.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

I'd explain it to you, including the barbed wire, but your teeny, tiny, little empty county is so different from here that you wouldn't get it, (according to some of you), wouldn't cooperate anyway and will now just blow me off.
  You have forgotten to include potential germ warfare and the introduction of serious contagious diseases... A small, but very real chance of "unnatural disasters." Remember the anthrax scares?
MCI and the associated programs have been around for a very long time. It's just a new name. It was used during 9-11 and many other mass casualty incidents like large "heavy" aircraft crashes, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes and such. It is well known among public safety folks in areas with larger populations.
  You ''empty landers" are sduring Katrina because the police were so corrupt and wouldn't let the proper agencies do their jobs in a timely fashion. I could tell you some really sad stories of police power abuse and how badly the little local fire companies were treated, even though they had all the training, equipment and pre planning in place. All FEMA had to do for the first five days was provide water...and they couldn't handle it. "Brownie"was an a-hole!They over complicated themselves right into failure.


Quote from Diane:
You ''empty landers" are sduring Katrina

If you want to explain something, please explain what an "empty lander'" is and also what does "sduring" mean ? I tried finding the definition of "lander" and "sduring" and can't find them. I'll thank you in advance.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 06, 2012, 04:34:54 PM
I'd explain it to you, including the barbed wire, but your teeny, tiny, little empty county is so different from here that you wouldn't get it, (according to some of you), wouldn't cooperate anyway and will now just blow me off.

This from the exspurt who emphatically huffed n puffed a year or two ago that TSA was not going to do screenings at rail & bus stations....because if they were, she would know all about it and would have told us so.... (see VIPER teams 2005 AP report at

Now with all that inside connectedness & expertise, why would we blow off her expertise in physical security protocols at FEMA facilities?

Other than  perhaps because she DNS.   ::)

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Jar, several sentences vanished...don't know where they went,so the sentence make no sense. Empty landers are people who live in the wide open spaces on huge ranches and tracts of land where there are very few people to interact with and long miles to go to get supplies or see people.  Now about the insult poopy Pasty aimed at me. He is the one that DNS! That article said exactly what I've been saying all along. TSA and other private firms are watching!  Amtrak does not x-ray, check pockets,  sniff,  poke and prod or make people empty pockets ,take off shoes or open bags anywhere I've been,up and down the eastern corridor. They,and dogs, are around very unobtrusively. They probably would be on a suspicious person like white on rice, and I did see one known derelict quietly escorted out when we were in New York waiting to come home.They do not want to make a scene and bother people unless absolutely necessary.If something like what happens while waiting for planes happens, l tell ya, OK? Sheese! I have friends who ride those trains to work every day. The answer my questions when I ask.
   You people keep breaking DI's Law...You don't know that you don't know. It's just like the guy who never ate a peach can't imagine what a peach tastes like. 
To not brag,but to brag anyway, I have friends in high places,including the State Dept. and still have access to lots of public safety formation. If a tornado ever comes rumbling through here and does a huge amount of damage ,we have it all preplanned. I know who to report to and what my job would be.... Same for the more common, and for us the more dangerous hurricane. Why do you assume I'm not up on this stuff? Any fire company of any size where there is some population knows the exact same thing and most everything is preplanned.To us it's not a big deal.That's why we practice and have mock disasters and practice the grid system and who backs up whom and when...with plenty of plan B's so if one thing can't work for some reason,we go to the next plan. I know you've seen real big deal disasters on TV ,don't you know that's all preplanned? Right down to who will provide fuel for the engines during lengthy operations and on and on.
Yes, I know, all you care about is when you call 9-11,the emergency folks show up.You, like most, could care less about how and why it all works. That's fine, but why show such unending disrespect for me?

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