Today's county commission meeting

Started by Patriot, September 10, 2012, 06:41:50 PM

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Diane Amberg

Uh, who is Rod Sterling? seriously. I don't know of him.




No, it as Rod Serling that hosted the Twilight Zone. I just thought that Diane with her vast knowledge of what's going on here in Kansas was  talking about Rodney Sterling. Guess we were talking about a different person. Carry on .


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 12, 2012, 04:22:48 PM
There he goes again....Patriot, it must be nice to have one of those store bought MDs so you can professionally evaluate people for medical problems.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  Who do you think you are to judge me. Better check in that mirror again!
  That is hysterical! You can "opine" all you want. Are you in that close contact with people with neurosis disorders,  psychotic disorders, Bi polar disorders, MPD and dozens of others that you can recognize them?
You know the difference between you and me? My credentials are real!  I assume  you do have mental disorders in your family,many people do. You have SII disorder and Ross for sure has OCP disorder and  I have S.A.D..and DSF disorder. Then you tied your post to vets who died? Ya missed apple pie and mother.  My, oh my!
   Perhaps you should write a hand book for Elk County Citizens so they will know how you want them to behave.
  Yes, I'm being a smart Alec. Your ability to to criticize and ridicule has no end. You are the one who started this again. I was done. By the way, I just reread the post you wrote back to Proelk....You used 11 personal pronouns about you.  About that pot and kettle? HA!
   I'm off to a meeting. Enjoy ridiculing your neighbors directly and indirectly.

I tried being very kind to you Diane and that didn't work.
I flipped and behaved as badly as you and that didn't work.
So now you have my sympathy.
The fact that you can not concentrate and stay on subject
The fact that you believe you are the spelling teacher and grammer teacher on this forum
The fact that you think you are a teacher
The fact that you think are the head firefighter
The fact that you believe you have great leadershiop skills
The fact that you admit to being a socialist
The fact that you bully people by calling them bully's
And far to many other things to mention, are all red flags,
won't you please go seek professional help?
At least give it some thought.
I'll pray for you.

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