The government PR machine has swung into high gear promoting West Nile disease.

Started by Ross, August 24, 2012, 06:44:46 AM

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NaturalNews) The government PR machine has swung into high gear promoting West Nile disease. It's a "national outbreak." 1138 cases in 38 states. 41 deaths. Planes are spraying toxic aerial pesticides.

Never mind that the US Centers for Disease Control claims 36,000 people die every year from ordinary seasonal flu -- and there are no announcements of an "epidemic" or an "outbreak."

Never mind that the World Health Organization (WHO) claims between 250,000 and 500,000 people die every year from ordinary seasonal flu -- and this isn't called an "epidemic" or an "outbreak."

If you added up the death count from all the hyped and predicted epidemics of the last decade, including West Nile, SARS, bird flu, weaponized smallpox, and Swine Flu, the total would come to about one year of deaths in the US from ordinary flu.

But who cares about facts? What's important is how much fear can be generated. That's the statistic that counts, when you're talking about the CDC or WHO.

And when it comes to the public, it seems that some people feel a morbid attraction for viruses. Every time a new one is announced, they rub their hands together and say, "This is the big one! It's going to spread like wildfire!"

Other people, involved in natural health, who reject huge amounts conventional medical wisdom, nonetheless make the mistake of buying the virus of the moment. They automatically accept it as real and then figure out how to treat it naturally. That can be a big mistake.

Have researchers ever actually isolated (found) the West Nile virus? You should be asking that question.

You should always question what the CDC tells you.

The deepest form of medical-research chicanery comes when scientists claim they've found a new virus and they haven't. They haven't nailed it down. They say they have, but that's not true.

People have a hard time fathoming this. They will accept the fact that a medical drug touted as miraculous really causes heart attacks, strokes, and death, but for some reason The Virus is sacred territory. "Scientists would never lie about that." Really? Why not?

Do you think discovering a new virus is like dipping a tweezer into a dish of liquid and picking out a little critter who is shaking his legs? And therefore, nobody can lie about it, because it's either there or not? No, that's not the way it works.

A new virus is discovered by taking a tissue sample suspected of harboring it; then that sample must be transferred to a fine filter that will trap the virus. That's how the initial all-important isolation process is begun.

In the case of West Nile, this was attempted in 1999. It was called a success, but there was a major problem. As I stated in a previous article:

Researchers claim the West Nile virus is 0.04 micrometers. At the same time, they admit that the original fishing expedition for the virus employed filters that were 0.22 micrometers. The obvious conclusion? The filter was too porous. It was nearly six times larger than the virus.

In fact, Robert McLean, director of the National Wildlife Center of the US Geological Survey, told ABC's Nick Regush, "We don't have a purified form of the [West Nile] virus."

A stunning admission.

The late ABC reporter, Regush, followed up on McLean's pronouncement with this: "I find no evidence anywhere in the scientific literature that the rules of virus purification and isolation were thoroughly followed [in the case of the West Nile virus]."

People respond to these assertions with an accusatory tone: "Then what's making people sick? Why are people dying?"

People getting sick and dying doesn't necessarily have a connection to why health authorities are telling you they're dying.

If a newspaper reported that a hurricane in Missouri killed 12 people, and then you discovered there had been no hurricane, would you insist on pretending there was, because 12 people died? No, of course not. You would assume the people died for other reasons.

It's the same situation with West Nile. People get sick and die all the time. If the virus that supposedly is causing an outbreak of illness has never been found, you look for other causes.

Again, from my previous article:

There are some good reasons people in the Dallas area are getting sick. These reasons have nothing to do with "West Nile."

A decade ago, independent journalist, Jim West, launched an original investigation into the so-called "West Nile epidemic" in New York City.

Learn more:

There is much more to read, and I would suggest Googling MTBE, here is one from the American Cancer Society.

I know for a fact that if MTBE catches fire it takes a special firefighting agent to put it out. I am not refering to when it is mixed in gasoline, although I would bet it make gasoline fires mor difficult to put out.

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