Paul Ryan a great choice for VP

Started by ELK@KC, August 11, 2012, 12:10:29 PM

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I think Paul Ryan is a great choice for VP. He has the knowledge and experience needed for the difficult task ahead. Maybe this will satisfy radical Redcliff, now that the name Paul will be on the ballot.

Diane Amberg

I'd almost rather have seen it the other way around. ;)


I can't wait for Ryan to kick mouthy Joe Biden's rear in a debate.


I don't think it will be hard for ANYONE to kick Biden's arse in a debate.
   Paul Ryan can't be all bad because he is a noodler but I can see the headlines now " Ryan is a Racist Because He Catches  Fish By Grabbing It's  Sammy Davis Jr Looking Lower Lip " :angel:
There is a good chance I will have a post in Mitt's inner circle. "Noodling Czar"


It looks like Paul Ryan is just another fake conservative.  There's a lot of 'em in the Republican party.


   Any republican that can get elected in Minnesota has promise. Biden kicks his own ass with his misspeaks all the time. I am so sick of Oblammy's commercials that make the same promises he made last go round, it's hard not to put a few rounds into the liar's face on the screen.



Romney campaign raises $3.5 million in first 24 hrs after Ryan pick
If nothing else, Romney's choice of running mate is going to be a bonanza for his fundraising.

Following the roll out of his vice presidential pick, Mitt Romney's fundraising numbers got a Republican enthusiasm-fueled boost.
On Sunday, Andrea Saul, Romney's campaign press secretary, wrote on Twitter that fund-raising had spiked for the candidate after revealing Paul Ryan as his running mate.[/

Without changes and cuts to all government entitlements, the government will all run out of money, everyone loses everything, and the country's economy will collapse. It is much better for us all to sacrifice some, rather than lose it all, including our freedom.

If you are falling for the class warfare that Obuma has been inciting for the last 3 1/2 years you'll be in for a world of hurt.  Rich people who made their money the old fashion way are not the problem.  It is the Rich, corrupt far-left politicians that have brought the country to the brink of ruin.  We must defeat the leftists and undo their damage or we all will suffer greatly... I kid you not!

Romney is not a perfect candidate, not even the one I would have preferred.  He is the one we have to support to overcome the failure Obuma and his co-conspirators are bringing to our country. They are determined to ruin our economy, weaken our national security so that we must rely on their form of government to save us.  They are hard-nose socialists who lie and steal to achieve their agenda.  Paul Ryan has a plan that will help... it's a start.  A vote for Barack Insane Obuma is assisting national suicide.  Please wake and spread the truth to your friends.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


while i totally agree he is not the ideal candidate, i would have to say this team is the ideal one that is out there.  I don't agree with Ron paul completely either.  I know that i like ryans medicare and social security plan in that it moves more towards a constitutional plan.  Privatized accounts is the way to go.  I have to agree with the idea because for one people don't miss the money out of their checks as it is. So that means if it were privatized that they could really build some savings.  Being privatized would lock the account and keep the theives out of it.  makes perfect sense and since we already pay tax on that money when it is put into ss, it cannot be taxed when we draw it.    I Know that based on the amount i have paid into social security, i should get a return of 3 mil over the rest of my life being that rightfully a very conservative return rate would produce 3 mil in the 35 years i have worked and paid into it.

It is not a entitlement, I paid into it, and it is my money that i earned that went into it no matter if its constitutional or not.  I am not unreasonable to expect that i get my money back since it was forced out of my pocket into this account. 

its neither here nor there on the issue of constitutionality, it is what it is. So what needs to be done is to return it to a state where it would be in line with the constitution.  That can be accomplished with ryans plan.  Those of us who cannot change to the privatized plan are to be paid out in full, the debt that is owed.  IT is a debt to us.   Then those of us who can move into a privatized plan will own their retirement to be passed down to their heirs later on when they pass on. That is the only fair and solution that will work. It will get this nation out of debt, plus secure the future of those to come and in the long run do more to reduce taxes and debt. 

I gotta say every election is a gamble these days.  You can only vote based on what they say in the beginning. Then only time will tell if they follow through. All i know is that you can kiss America Goodbye if obama gets re-elected, and no amount of principles will ever save this country if you allow the known oppressor to continue.  I believe that voting for ron paul is a waste in that he will never get office.   While i agree with about half his ideas, it isn't marketable.  You know we didn't get into this shape overnight, it was a slow process. What makes everyone thing that radical change will do any better. it realistically is a slow process back.  UNLESS folks are willing to pick up their gun and go to war.  Then it can be a big bloody mess and change will come at the hands of the victor.  We could be worse off if that happens too.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

When the new wears off the Ryan appointment, check out his voting record while in Congress and see if you still feel so positive. I did and I was rather disappointed.
  I also found the article about the extreme conservatives who want to deny Romney the nomination at the convention very interesting and rather frightening.

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