Is there a problem with posting?

Started by Teresa, February 10, 2005, 10:47:27 PM

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Ya' know? I am kind of disappointed that out of the 59 members that we have.. only about 8-10 of us have  posted and try to keep this forum alive. I have sent links to so many people and still ..we get people liking to enjoy what we put on ..I mean they are reading and browsing.. but not even a "Hi .. thanks for doing this" or " I appreciate having this..thanks for keeping this going".. or " I like it.." or " I hate it".. just nothing.
Zero.. Zip..Silence..
For those few who really have tried to make this an active fun have done a terrific job with all your posts..whether they were silly fun.. or serious topics.. questions about issues, or just things that you wanted to share to no one in particular..
I thank you. I thank you a lot. It sometimes isn't the easiest thing to make time to do in your busy day~~~ to give a few minutes out of your day to post and give the forum some life... but some of us do manage to try.
Keep up the  posting bantering.. the fun, the facts..the questions..poems... thoughts.... anything at all is better than nothing..
Silence in a forum is death of a forum.
I don't want that to happen... :'(
Thanks for listening. :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

Ah heck, Ms. T.  You know I just like to talk and socialize and stuff like that.  And where else to I have a capitive audience that won't talk back at the same time I'm trying to talk. ;D ;D ;D


Hey -

I don't know anything about goats, so there's nothing to say!  ;)


Ha ha ha~~ I know I know.. but where else do you have goats for forum members ???... haha
I can't say too much.. The goat herders themselves were raised by .. :-[" yours truly".. :-[
Sorry for not letting them have any goats for pets while they were growing up... but then it would just probably be something else...
One thing is for sure.. They know how to keep themselves and others laughing and entertained.  :D :D
( They get that from '"you know who too" ;) ;D ;D :D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


And then there's the smiley problem  ???
Which one do I use?  :-\
Should it agree with what I say ::)
And if it doesn't am I sending mixed messages?  ;) ;D :( 8) ??? ::)

Too Many Choices ! ! ! ! :'( :'( :'( :'(

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