Sherman: "WAR IS HELL"

Started by Warph, June 07, 2012, 08:00:04 PM

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Much of Sherman's beliefs are now part of the beliefs in this country today.  They destroyed the meaning of
the Constitution and created a new United States.  The north never saved the Union, they changed the Union.
You can't keep from seeing the results nowdays. 

Karl Marx supported the north and the Republicans.  That ought to tell you something - and so should the election
of Obama and the more recent success of Mitt Romney in the Republican party.  Nothing new. 

Americans have been conditioned to believe that this is about as good as it gets.

The South stood for the liberty - the South stood for the Constitution.

Warph, you do know a lot about the War, from the northern point of view.  That's why you're a Republican.

Diane Amberg

 Red, whatever it is we have, it's sure better than most places. You'd have been dragged off into the night and never seen again for expressing your common opinions in many areas of the world, even in some of the otherwise modern ones.
   Don't you appreciate what you do have? It's not perfect here and never will be, but unless you stop fighting the civil war in your head, you'll never stop evaluating everybody and everything against an imperfect scale. The Constitution wasn't and isn't perfect and the founding fathers knew it. Red, being so judgmental every second of every day isn't healthy, IMHO.  I hope I'm wrong, but it seems you have made that your life's work. Telling someone you know why they are of a particular party is a bit presumptive isn't it?
  Most of us on here have had family in the too. So what? Even families that had members fighting on both sides were able to reunite as families after the war. I know mine did. The brothers didn't go to their graves still fighting.
      Even professional war historians have a more objective view than that. Sometimes we just have to say what was ,was, and move on, trying to make reasonable improvements as we can, without always being at war with ourselves.  Well ,except for the professional bloggers and speakers who make their living appealing to certain audiences.
  Your stand on things seems to be so rigid, I don't know how you manage.  Go back and reread ALL of what the founding fathers had to say, not just sentences taken out of context and used to make a point that may or may not be appropriate. They bickered among themselves too!  They argued and negotiated and fussed and disagreed at great length. Read what Madison and Jefferson had to say. They did not see the constitution as carved in stone, but a document that would have to be looked at from time to time to properly represent all the people here.They worried that some groups rights would be mistreated in spite of the constitution...the Native Americans for example.
   Free speech also has been changed in it's meaning.  It didn't originally mean anybody could say any vile thing to anyone for any reason at any time. It was meant to allow the citizens of a young America to safely and publicly disagree with it's government with out worry of reprisal.  That couldn't happen in Great Britain and they wanted it changed. My, how that has creeped. There is no doubt that there is history yet to be told about the Civil War, from both sides, and the Great Indian Wars too...from both sides.
  Simply closing one's mind to one side of things and throwing Marxism and "kommunism" around may be convenient, but it doesn't make for a good thinker who can ponder, see all sides of an issue (when given ALL the information) and make well educated decisions. It makes for a very narrow, unhealthy attitude that never starts at zero on a thinking scale, but always leans to one predetermined side by 20 degrees or so, at least in some areas. IMHO.


The problem is that too many people decided to broaden their view.  Theres a saying, if you don't stand for something  you'll fall for anything. The majority of people today are falling for anything cause they have been taught that standing for something is wrong.   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Our founding fathers predetermined this thing long ago.  It's people like you who look to change us and our ways to something you think is better except it's not. 



Butler the Beast— Sherman the Brute.
The Outrages of the Latter in East Tennessee

Diane Amberg

You are entitled to your opinion and express it very freely and often. OK, here's mine again.
 People "like me?"  I'm not sure what that means. I'd challenge you to prove that I have ever tried to "change" anything that would be harmful to anyone, including you!  "Our Ways?" What ways would that be" A recipe machine in the parlor? Who are you talking about?
 Do you really want to live in a "Lord of the Flies'' or "Animal Farm" world? (being overly simplistic.) The biggest toughest guy gets all the spoils?
  To some degree the south created it's own problems after the war was over by wasting too much time and resources trying to recreate a world that would never be again and perhaps never really was.
 Some historians from the south say it never was as perfect as imperfect memories try to make it out to be.  Lots of soft warm fantasy, but idealized fantasy none the less.
  Not all southern historians romanticize the old south as being just the very wealthy plantation owners and the high society ladies with their parasols and personal servants. As you know, that wasn't true for most. They struggled to make their living in many ways, just as most folks did. But that was impossible to recreate.Too many people had died or had permanent injuries or were ill. Even today's towns that are destroyed do not put back things exactly as they were. They take advantage of the chance to make things even better, with stronger homes and improved infrastructure. Have you every been to modern Savannah?
The south of today is happy to not have the diseases and poor sanitation and questionable water and sewage, and enjoys modern refrigeration, electricity and freezers just as most everyone does. They don't want the days of old returned completely. Sure, there were terrible things done...on both sides.There were disgusting men who took advantages and it didn't matter on which side. War really is hell. All of them.
Now the war of 1812 will be getting a lot more notice because of it's 200th anniversary. For many it was just as bad as the Civil War, but received very little attention then and still doesn't because it was a much smaller event.

 If you choose to be a survivalist and live in a compound out in the middle of nowhere and live on game, more power to ya, but don't say everyone else is "wrong." We all get to choose. People who choose to live in little villages on up to huge cities have more restrictions because the rights of everyone must be taken into account. That isn't always easy and there will be clashes and conflicts to be resolved.  That takes regulation and laws. It can't be all Hatfields and McCoys. That's why our forefathers did what they did rather than skip Gov't. all together and run wild. There were cities back then too, with people who had to learn to get along, and people who thought the country's founders were totally wrong all the way. What was accomplished wasn't without hardship.
  I still say go read what those men really had to say. Don't idealize them into some sort of fantasy legend. I doubt you'd ever do it, but come here and visit the Constitution Center. You'll get a more realistic picture....wonderful,  but far from perfect, and they acknowledged that fact. I still don't know why you seem so bitter.

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