Trash Barrels

Started by W. Gray, August 18, 2011, 09:27:04 AM

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QuotePosted on: Today at 09:31:00 pmPosted by: doobie
Quote[I therefore took part in the govt sponsored lottery /quote]

That was in itelf a step towrds helping... Thank you for being willing to 'step up to the plate'

ready... and too old to sign up for the army in 76.  ( I tried ...was denied)


Quote from: larryJ on August 29, 2011, 07:10:24 PM

As far as bitterness, it was a combination of bitterness toward our government for running a bad war, bitterness because when the troops returned, they were cussed at, spit on and generally insulted being called baby killers...........bitterness toward a country that drafted them away from their families.  Had Johnson quit the politics and ran the war like it was supposed to be run, it would have been different.



That's a fact Jack!


some of the ones that I knew who were drafted in the Corps said a recruiter would come into the Army induction center and pick the ones he wanted. Some said they picked the clean cut looking guys, then another place they picked the hippy looking ones. To each his own I guess on who they wanted to suffer the most. Served with two, that I know of , who got drafted when they were 26 years old (the cut off age ,I think, back then). One we called Pops because he was so" OLD" and the other was Gramps. Gramps was pitching in S.C.for a minor league ball team but was caught messing with a recruiters wife and found himself in boot camp at the ripe ol age of 26---at least that's the story he told.

Larry, thank you for correcting that to a capitol "M" :)
I agree with what you say about Johnson. He should have appointed ol Chesty Jr here to be commander of all West Pac forces . I would have sit in my office in Australia with my mock up with toy ships and colored pins and then pulled out all Army forces from Korea and put them in the bush in Nam. Then build air conditioned barracks for the Marines and put a beer machine and whore in every barracks----Whoops---I better back off that one---that one is what got my daddy, Chesty Puller, in deep doo-doo with the Ladies of the Garden Club and such !! ( I think that is a true one, by the way)

Doobie, I don't know nothing about the draft lottery. I was still deferred for high school when I signed up and the lottery hit the boys the senior class after me. My oldest brother joined when  I was 6 years old so I was indoctrinated (sp ?) and brain washed from that time on. As Forrest would say---"it was my destiny " :)


Jarhead, I agree,,,,,,,,,,,ol Chesty Jr. would have been a heck of a lot better than these two..................

General Wastemoreland - General Hershey Bar ............used to see these two walking around Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood in the late sixties and early seventies.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Janet Harrington

I apologize for calling all military people soldiers. That is a bad habit of mine. I even call sailors soldiers. LOL I will remember to watch what I say and try to use the correct names. If I don't, please correct me.

I sure didn't know, doobie, that you were up for the draft. That was news to me. And I don't remember you going to Emporia State, which at that time was called Kansas State Teacher's College. Did our paths ever cross up there? Maybe I was too busy studying? LOL


Quote from: Janet Harrington on August 30, 2011, 05:21:42 PM
Did our paths ever cross up there? Maybe I was too busy studying? LOL

cough~sputter.... **blowing iced tea all over my keyboard**
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