The Federal Reserve stores $1 Billion that nobody wants... NOBODY!!!

Started by Warph, July 04, 2011, 08:25:47 PM

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True story... the following may read like a comedy but... it is true.

Over the years the US Federal Reserve has made numerous efforts to convince Americans to use a $1 coin instead of the $1 bill.  The latest effort... the presidential $1 coin series.... has resulted in over $1 billion dollars of coins nobody wants as the law calls for their production and a new president to be honored every few months regardless of popularity.  Already stamped into millions of pieces of eight-gram, manganese-brass alloy are presidents no one even remembers anymore, like Franklin Pierce, and ineffectual executives like James Buchanan, whose incompetence historians say helped lead the US to civil war.

Also, these excess coins must be warehoused and guarded at great expense even though they may never be used.  By the time the presidential coin series ends in 2016, the total amount is expected to exceed $2 billion.

So... it is time to get rid of them. 

The US Federal Reserve is tasked with developing new ideas for coins that will appeal to coin enthusiasts and earn revenue when those collectors remove the money from circulation.  The government has spent decades trying to figure out how to convince the American people to use the $1 coin, but their strategy often begins and ends with ex-presidents... a source of inspiration that appears to be running dry as evidenced by the next series of coins under consideration:
1. Presidents wearing hats
2. Presidential dogs
3. Presidential dogs wearing hats
4. Presidents and their dogs shopping for hats
5. Presidents and their dogs recreating famous hat scenes from classic American films


To make these $1 coins popular the government needs to concentrate on the reasons people collect other items like stamps, baseball cards, or husbands.  Allow me (Warph) to make some suggestions for coins I feel would achieve greater popularity:

6. The Presidential dog Bo taking a dump
7. The President, Obuma taking a dump
8. The Presidential dog Bo and President Obuma together taking a dump   
9. Michele Obuma eating a plate of Fries
10. Michele Obuma taking a dump

"The finances of all of this?  You could say the government has wasted money to make money."...NPR


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Hefe de vaca

    Thanks for the suggestions, Warph. I needed a good laugh after seeing that someone spent their Independence Day redesigning their attack on women and children. ;D ;D ;D


We recently reported on the the government's failed effort to persuade Americans to use dollar coins.

But the coins have found at least one group of fans: Travel enthusiasts who buy thousands of dollar coins with credit cards that award frequent-flier miles for purchases.

Once in possession of the coins — shipped to them by the government for free — they can deposit them into their bank accounts and pay off the credit card bills. The result: a free ticket to anywhere.

"We've used them to go on trips around the world," says Jane Liaw, a 35-year-old public health researcher and science writer in San Francisco. Liaw says she and her husband, who use a variety of tricks for earning miles, are planning trips to Greece and Turkey, "all on miles and points."

Liaw says she spends some of the coins at the local farmer's market and stores.

The problem is that even if so-called "travel hackers" like Liaw put some of the coins in circulation, their purchases from the Mint contribute to a huge and growing buildup of one-dollar coins in Federal Reserve vaults.

The mountain of coins is the unintended result of a 2005 act of Congress. The law requires that more and more coins be minted, despite a lack of demand by the public. (For more, see our story "$1 Billion That Nobody Wants.")

The Mint's direct-ship program is aimed at getting the coins into everyday circulation.

Officials there first noticed something amiss in summer 2008, when they saw that a small number of customers were repeatedly ordering large numbers of one dollar coins. The top 20 customers bought between $219,000 and $696,000 worth, says Mint spokesman Tom Jurkowsky.

Another clue the hackers left was that dollar coins were arriving in banks still clad in their U.S. Mint packaging.

"Do we feel a little bit violated? Yes, and that's why we aggressively sought measures to eliminate what we called an abuse," says Jurkowsky.

Jurkowsky said the Mint sent letters to the top abusers and imposed a limit of 1,000 coins every ten days.

"It's not illegal," he said, "But it's an abuse of the system. That's not what the system was set up to do. The system was set up to promote the use of dollar coins and we are simply trying to do the right thing here."

Around this time, people buying dollar coins to get frequent-flier miles drew national attention in outlets such as the Los Angeles Times and the Wall Street Journal.

After the Mint acted, orders for Native American dollar coins, which are only available directly from the Mint, dropped – from 88.7 million in 2009, to 52 million last year and 19 million so far this year.

In total, the mint has mailed out 284 million one-dollar coins, including presidential and Native American coins, through the direct-ship program.

Native American coins bear the likeness of Lewis and Clark guide Sacagewea. By law, Sacagewea must appear on one in every five dollar coins manufactured, the legacy of political dealings on Capitol Hill.

While the Mint says the Native American coins are now popular enough to be back-ordered, a recent Federal Reserve study provided to NPR says nearly 60 percent of them come back to Federal Reserve vaults.

Both the Mint and Federal Reserve now support eliminating the Sacagewea quota.

The Fed, in its latest report to Congress, is also asking for additional changes that would allow it order only the number of dollar coins the economy needs.

As long as the dollar coin scheme is viable – without a crackdown by credit card issuers, for example – there will be enthusiasts like Ben Schlappig, who writes the travel hacker blog One Mile At A Time.

"I'm not as heavy a hitter as other people, I guess," Schlappig says. "I've ordered probably, maybe 30 or 40,000 worth."

Schlappig, who says he has "a few million miles" and top-tier status with several airlines, orders at the Mint's limit.

"Just last week I came back from a trip from Australia and Singapore and Malaysia all in first class, just on miles," he says, "partly thanks to the dollar coin program."

Good ol' American ingenuity.

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues

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