Recognizing the "Collective Spirit"....

Started by redcliffsw, May 23, 2011, 07:35:34 AM

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How to Avoid Being Manipulated by Left-Wing Experts

It's all based on the psychologically known fact that "it's easier to control a group than it is to control a single individual." That is why leftists prefer to deal with groups than individuals. If a community organizer, like Barack Obama, "can generate a mob mentality, and get it to work for him, control of the agenda is usually assured."

Manipulators get away with this because the collective good (or "team") trumps the individual — a socialist concept."
-Sam Blumenfeld


And tenacious expurts they are indeed.  This article goes very well with the Group Manipulation post.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


   Think I'll look for one titled "How not to be whipped into a homicidal frenzy by ultra-right-wing zealots" LOLOLOL

Diane Amberg

So when the preacher gets up in front of the congregation, now there can be people determined not to let him control his pulpit or the thinking of his congregation? Then what is the point?  During an emergency there can never be any person in charge to coordinate anything because they will meet resistance at every turn? Then why bother preplanning anything?
Let's be sure and teach kids that NOBODY can tell them what to do, especially someone who is in charge of their safety, like at camp?  Good grief. Let's create some self centered, self absorbed bullies while we're at it. Talk about creating unnecessary mistrust and suspicion!
Don't allow the group leader of a meeting to be in charge?  Why? Do some people assume every group leader has mind control as their real agenda at every meeting? That is just sick! Go to a meeting simply to not allow anything to happen? What's wrong with having some civilized approaches to things? How does stymieing the leader accomplish anything except annoying the heck out of people who came to a meeting to learn or participate? Perhaps some people should go back and really look at Roberts Rules and the protection it gives to the rights of individual members. All of them, not just a loud and rude few who have a different agenda.



I think that whole thing was predicated on knowing when one is dealing with a professional manipulator... not the average preacher or 'every' group leader in every instance..  Let's not go to the extreme, please.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

So then what is a "left wing expert." How would you know one, and wouldn't you just avoid the meeting or walk out rather than create a scene? That whole posting blog was to the extreme as far as I'm concerned. I also disagree with the premise that a group is more easily manipulated than an individual...Proof please. 


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 25, 2011, 11:06:55 AM
So then what is a "left wing expert." How would you know one, and wouldn't you just avoid the meeting or walk out rather than create a scene? That whole posting blog was to the extreme as far as I'm concerned. I also disagree with the premise that a group is more easily manipulated than an individual...Proof please. 

1.  Listen to the video again, attend one of her one day training sessions, or buy the book.
2.  Check her credentials, maybe you'll find she;s more than qualified to make that observation.
3.  Go read the Communist Manifesto and then tell how 'that can't happen because it's too extreme'.  Be sure to demonstrate the hypotheses by showing how Marxism has never been deployed in practice in the real world.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote1.  Listen to the video again, attend one of her one day training sessions, or buy the book.

ummmm............just out of curiosity about what you will answer..........wouldn't that be qualified as "letting myself be manipulated by an "expert?"   ::)

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