West Jr. High Track

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, May 06, 2011, 09:56:06 AM

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Yesterday the Jr. High track team traveled to Wellington for their last meet of the school year. It was the league meet. The 7th grade girls, 7th grade boys, and 8th grade girls took home league CHAMPIONS!!! Way to go West Elk Jr. High Track!!! I also think that 8th grade boys place in top 3, but not 100% sure that is right!! That is a great way to end their track season!!!! ;D ;D
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

Diane Amberg

Hey, how great is that! Congrats to all!

Roma Jean Turner

That is awesome.  Look forward to going to games and cheering on the home teams.


RJ, I would like that too, I don't like to go everywhere alone.  :-\ (hint)

Diane Amberg

Hey, as a new Molinite, uh Moliner, Mole? Ah shucks, whatever, RJ that would be fun!

Roma Jean Turner

You can count on it Edie.  I can smell the hot dogs already.  Looking forward to the rodeo.


RJ you will be here over the fourth?

Roma Jean Turner

There is usually aparty at my oldest neices in WIchita on the FOurth.  However I want to see our local parades and depending on gas prices may just be peddaling around Moline.  I know I want to go to the rodeo one night.  What did you have in mind.

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