Screw those nasty oil companies!

Started by Patriot, April 25, 2011, 10:29:59 AM

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I just watched the progressive in chief directly call for an end to billions in subsidies to big oil.  While I might agree in principle, let's think this through...

Big oil is just as addicted to its' money pit as the government.  Cut subsidies too much or too quickly, and the kneejerk response will be to find fast ways to replace that revenue.  Shortages and $10.00/gallon gas, anybody?  Just like most progressive plans, it looks good on paper, feels good to the masses and, the unintended consequences aren't considered... until they hit. 

How about we eliminate massive taxpayer subsidies to the ethanol scam first?  That will likely have fewer unintended consequences and maybe some positives.... like lower food and feed grain costs and the elimination of fossil fuel costs needed to produce ethanol (about 1.5 gallons of carbon fuel to produce 1 gallon of ethanol).

Conservative to the Core!
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