Members of US Congress Get Richer Despite Sour Economy

Started by Warph, November 17, 2010, 10:24:25 AM

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Speaking of lawyers:  I'm sure you're all aware, Gloria Allred, the preeminent media whore and left-wing dirty trickster, had recently garnered the spotlight by trying to scuttle Meg Whitman's chances of defeating Jerry Brown in California's gubernatorial race.

Ms. Allred, who may actually be brought up on ethics charges by the California Bar for placing her client in legal jeopardy by exposing her as an illegal alien guilty of perjury and forging official documents, has long carried on like the worst sort of used car salesman.  For good measure, Allred shows her true colors by referring to her client not as Ms. Diaz, but as Nicky.  When is the last time that you heard an attorney call a client by his or her first name, unless the client was Madonna or Cher?

To show you what an absolutely despicable human being she is, when she was a single mother, she married Mr. William Allred.  That was in 1968.  It was he who paid her way so that she could attend law school and become an attorney in 1975.  In 1987, they got divorced, and the guy wound up having to pay her alimony.  In the passage of time, Mr. Allred went to jail for fraud.  When he got out, his financial resources greatly diminished, he petitioned the court for a reduction in his alimony payments.  Even though he had made her career possible by paying for her education, and even though she was by then earning a handsome living, she fought him tooth and nail.

As I recall, there is a certain circle in Hell, described by Dante, that is reserved for people who not only bite the hand that's fed them, but kicks their benefactors in the teeth for good measure.  I'm willing to bet that there's a deep, dark cellar in that particular circle that's reserved for Ms. Allred.

"Dick, the Butcher:  'The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.' "

And while I'm at it.... another fruitcake whose character seems to consist entirely of a pathological egotism is our president.  For my part, I am not only sick and tired of listening to that self-absorbed ass braying 24/7 on the tube, but I've had it up to here with those damn shirtsleeves.  God knows I'm no fashion plate, but I'm just me and he's supposed to be America's commander in chief, the leader of the free world.  Obuma, shows up in his shirtsleeves even when all he's doing is reading from his teleprompter in an air-conditioned auditorium.  In a country with nearly 10% unemployment and a deficit that's not only burying us, but our children and our grandchildren, is this arrogant mug actually trying to get our sympathy?  I'm afraid he'll have to settle for our contempt.

Of late, rumors are floating around that if his approval numbers continue to tank, Hillary Clinton.... the Wicked Witch of the East... will challenge Obuma for their party's nomination in 2012.  However, we should all keep in mind that Mrs. Clinton not only tried to push through HillaryCare when her husband was up to his usual monkey business in the Oval office, but more recently charged ARIZONA with human rights violations at the U.N., this putting it on a par with China, Iran and North Korea.  In short, she is every bit the loony lefty clown that Barack Hussein Obuma is.  In fact, there are only two real differences I'm aware of; one, he's a 50% blacker lawyer than she is and, two, she's a 50% whiter lawyer than he is
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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