I Learned Something New Today

Started by genealogynut, November 07, 2006, 03:26:37 PM

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While waiting in line to vote this morning, a gentleman came in wearing a ball cap bearing something connected with politics (slogan, emblem, etc.  I"m not sure exactly just what it was), any way he was told he could not vote, and he could face a $500 fine, because of that!   >:( >:(He asked if he could just turn the cap around, and again the answer was "No," so the guy just left.

Later, I was discussing that incident with a few other people, and was told that it's the law, that there is to be no political slogans, signs, emblems, etc. or anything pertaining to the election within 1000 feet (I think it was) of the polling area.  Isn't that a violation of one of our personal freedoms?

In the discussion, " this other party" also stated that a couple of people were turned away while he was in line to vote, for the same reasons.  This "other party" told me that he had to take the magnetic sign off of his vehicle before driving down to the polls!

Then people wonder why there are low turnouts!  It may be the law, but in my own personal opinion "Just because a person slapped the wrong ball cap on that morning, doesn't justify denying him the right to vote, and the incident was petty."  But then again, no one asked me for my opinion. :( 


Janet could explain this better than I can, but I think it has something to do with the safety of the voters.  Can you imagine waiting in line to vote and being badgered by politicians soliciting your vote?  Not to mention the fights that might break out over who you are voting for?  It does seem to impinge on our "freedoms" of expression.  We also have the right to vote for whomever we wish and for that vote to remain secret without fear of the consequences.  Come on, Janet, explain it so we can understand it.

Janet Harrington

Oh you people.  I just don't know about you.  Okay, I'll do my best.

The State of Kansas has a group of laws called election crimes.  One of those crimes is 25-2413. Disorderly election conduct.

  Disorderly election conduct is willfully: (a) Disturbing the peace in or
about any voting place on election day;

  (b) leaving or attempting to leave a voting place in possession of any
ballot, except as is specifically permitted by law;

  (c) approaching or remaining closer than three feet to any voting booth,
voting machine or table being used by an election board except as admitted
for the purpose of voting or by authority of the supervising judge;

  (d) interrupting, hindering or obstructing any person approaching any
voting place for the purpose of voting;

  (e) engaging in any of the following activities within 250 feet from the
entrance of a polling place during the hours the polls are open on election

  (1) solicitation of contributions; or

  (2) conduct of advisory elections other than those specifically
authorized by law, including the exercise of home rule power, to be
conducted by a county election officer.

  Disorderly election conduct is a class B misdemeanor.

Another crime is 25-2415. Intimidation of voters.

  (a) Intimidation of voters is: (1) intimidating, threatening, coercing or
attempting to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for the purpose of
interfering with the right of such person to vote or to vote as he may
choose, or of causing such person to vote for, or not to vote for, any
candidate for any office or question submitted at any election; or

  (2) mailing, publishing, broadcasting, telephoning or transmitting by any
means false information intended to keep one or more voters from casting a
ballot or applying for or returning an advance voting ballot.

  (b) Intimidation of voters is a severity level 7, nonperson felony.

Pretty harse penalty.  This one could get you prison.

Next is 25-2430. Electioneering.

  (a) Electioneering is knowingly attempting to persuade or influence
eligible voters to vote for or against a particular candidate, party or
question submitted. Electioneering includes wearing, exhibiting or
distributing labels, signs, posters, stickers or other materials that
clearly identify a candidate in the election or clearly indicate support or
opposition to a question submitted election within any polling place on
election day or advance voting site during the time period allowed by law
for casting a ballot by advance voting or within a radius of 250 feet from
the entrance thereof. Electioneering shall not include bumper stickers
affixed to a motor vehicle that is used to transport voters to a polling
place or to an advance voting site for the purpose of voting.

  (b) As used in this section, "advance voting site" means the central
county election office or satellite advance voting sites designated as such
pursuant to subsection (c) of K.S.A. 25-1122, and amendments thereto.

  (c) Electioneering is a class C misdemeanor.

This is the one that Lois was describing.  There are several more election crimes that I have not included.  These laws are made to keep elections fair and honest.  The election judges have to be sure that no one wears anything into the voting place that may influence someone's vote.

While I was voting, a lady asked Ernie Small to finish a story about the judges that he had started with her somewhere.  Ernie was working for the election board and he quickly told the lady that he could not finish the story right there because it was a crime called electioneering.  She tried to get him to tell her as she had already voted.  Ernie very politely told her that she may have voted but all these other people were still voting.  He handled that very well.

Anyway, the election judges were correct in sending the gentleman out, but all he would have had to do was leave his hat in his vehicle and come back in to vote.  Apparently, the election judges upset the gentleman, so he just left.  His loss I'm afraid.  The election process is one of our greatest rights that we have in these United States.  However; you must remember that even though it is a right to vote you must obey the law and that includes the election laws.  If you want to read all the election crimes, please look up the Kansas Statutes on this website: www.accesskansas.org

I hope this helps.


Kansas Statues, darling?  Don't you mean statutes?

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Wilma on November 07, 2006, 10:22:23 PM
Kansas Statues, darling?  Don't you mean statutes?

Yes, my mother.  You are right and I fixed it.


That was one of the things I had to learn to become a citizen


That was great. You gave us the law with what it means, in layman terms.

Army Mom


Thank you Ta Ta...
( I had a great big windy answer but deleted it...and decided to just say thank you instead.. LOL)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Rex Vinette on November 08, 2006, 01:21:17 PM
That was great. You gave us the law with what it means, in layman terms.

Army Mom
Thank you Army Mom.  Maybe I should become a lawyer.

Quote from: Teresa on November 08, 2006, 05:59:33 PM
Thank you Ta Ta...
( I had a great big windy answer but deleted it...and decided to just say thank you instead.. LOL)
Ms. T,  Do you feel okay? ??? ??? ???

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