Is Green the New Red (communism)?...

Started by redcliffsw, October 16, 2010, 06:34:25 AM

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-Ellis Washington

    Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudo-scientific fraud I have seen in my long life.

    ~ Dr. Harold Lewis

Ten days ago, Harold Lewis, Ph.D., emeritus professor of physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara, tendered his letter of resignation to Curtis G. Callan Jr., Princeton University, president of the American Physical Society, because Dr. Lewis finally realized that he could no longer support what he called the "successful pseudo-scientific fraud" of global warming.

Communist Chinese dictator Mao Zedong (1893-1976)

Remember, to the Democratic Party and RINO Republicans, truth doesn't matter, because to them truth is relative. All that matters to liberals and progressives is Nietzsche's "Will to Power" and control over the people. Like the Islamic doctrine Taqiyya, which sanctions deceit to further Islam, to progressives the end justifies the means; therefore, lying, stealing, killing and perverting the Constitution and science is acceptable to utopian socialists as long as they "change the world."

Recall the words of New Deal brain-truster Stuart Chase who, after visiting the Soviet Union in the 1920s, asked with incredulity, "Why should Russians have all the fun remaking the world?" Progressives are very resilient, so when Soviet communism finally collapsed after 70 years of world wide tyranny, progressives and liberal Democrats pushed the existential green movement to the forefront, which was in reality the same old exhausted red communism in a new disguise.

Green is now the new red (communism).

I realize it's hard to accept that progressives and liberals, our fellow Americans, or anti-Americans, are so hell-bent on remaking the world while destroying society and allowing our minds, intellect, soul and spirit to degenerate into the abyss of socialism.

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No its the same old communism.  They just moved into enviro movments after the wall fell. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Jesse Ventura had a good program on it last night.

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