Former Elk Valley Coach and Teacher wins award

Started by Demosthenes, September 23, 2010, 05:40:12 PM

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With all the bad news coming out of Elk Valley High School I found this little golden nugget and thought to share it.  Boyd Koehn was award for his efforts in assisting others, much as he did when he taught at EVHS.

Diane Amberg

Well alright then! YAY! I'd begun to think these kinds of Kansas people had become extinct. Nice to see Liz too. Thanks so much for posting that.

Judy Harder

I am so proud of Boyd. He is the reason my youngest finished school.
We didn't know that he couldn't read until he was almost out of highschool
The teachers just kept passing him and never told me this fact. I am sorry, but
altho I knew he didn't like to read like the rest of the family, his dad wasn't much of a reader
either and I failed to notice.
But, Boyd did and David did finish highschool............and I am sad to say that he made  many, many
wrong choices and has wound up in prison.
No, this isn't really the whole story, but my 3 kids all had Boyd for either teacher or coach and I have
always felt that he had the kids under his heart.
Good posting.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

onis mcelroy

boyd help me in school alot i am happy for him too if it was not for him i would not be where i am now so thank you boyd for all that you did


He is a tremendous teacher!  He does a great job helping in the community, too.  If you need anything, if he can help I am sure that he would help.  I have to do observation for the classes that I am taking, as I am getting my master in special education, I observed in his room.  He has such a way with the kids. I was actually a little sad about having to observe in high school, as I like the younger students, but after seeing him and the way that he treats his students, I have gained a greater respect for  high school students! He is one in a million!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

Janet Harrington

Boyd is one in a million.  Angie couldn't have said it better.

Jo McDonald

What a wonderful tribute to Boyd.  I wish everyone in Kansas could see this video.


Good video.. nice tribute. I always liked Boyd..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I worked with Boyd years ago...And he is truly a gem.  West Elk was lucky to have him!

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