L. A.Times ONLINE POLL RESULTS on Arizona Boycott by Californians

Started by Warph, May 21, 2010, 11:07:24 AM

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Was the L.A. City Council right to pass a boycott of Arizona?:

YES.... Arizona needs to feel the consequences of enacting a bad law. 2% (330 votes)

YES.... though the boycott should be more of a symbolic gesture than an official measure. 1% (56 votes)

NO..... but only because doing so is probably illegal and not in L.A.'s interest. 4% (621 votes)

NO..... The city should mind its own business. 94% (14,753 votes)
*Total Votes: 15,760*[/b]

The US presently has a government of demagogues and ideologues.  Look at these quotes, "Holder replied, "I have not had a chance to to read Arizona Law 1070.   I've glanced at it."  Or from Napolitano, she replied, "I have not reviewed it in detail... I certainly know of it, Senator."  One former state AG, plus ex-Gov. of Arizona and one Federal AG.  Two idiots, who should be fired, parroting a maniac President.  I would imagine he hadn't read it either before speaking sooooo stupidly.  Are these the words of reasonable people, attorneys trained in the law and argumentation?  Are these the words of people sworn to uphold and enforce the existing law, good, bad or indifferent and thereby protect the US and its citizens?  No, these are the words of people who have opined their hearts, what they truly believe.  They expose the country and its people to unreasonable dangers.

This corrupt President and his chief flunky lieutenants are 'open borders' advocates.  Open borders are contributing to deaths in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.  Open borders encourage drug, gun, human trafficking and the flight of capital.  I have read the arguments of the open borders proponents and they do not stand common sense scrutiny.  Many are based on emotional appeals and the 'way it oughta be' in utopia.  None of them address national sovereignty other than to say there should be none.  None of the arguments address law and order or protection of the citizenry.  None of them respect the concept of national identity.  Nor do they protect commerce.

Come election time, the American voter must perform a patriotic act by ridding the country of these radical extremists, the far left edge of the progressive social engineers who are trying to tell us how they want our country configured.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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