Cowardice in State Government

Started by Patriot, December 04, 2009, 10:41:20 AM

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Where are we now?  Read the following and then follow the link if you dare.

A republic is a representative democracy, as opposed to a direct democracy. The key word is "representative." The states were supposed to be the pre-eminent players. In the beginning, the Senate chose who would be President of the USA, and the Senators were there in Washington to represent the interests of their states.

Over the past 200 years, Washington has turned the government we were promised into the government we were trying to prevent. Could any absolute monarchy or dictatorship be any worse than what we have now? King George didn't lay on a combined tax burden nearing 50% and trillions in debt.

Copyright © 2009, Russell D. Longcore

Full article here:
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