Big Losers In Honduras Election, Barack Obama, Hugo Chavez

Started by Warph, November 30, 2009, 01:37:09 AM

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Sunday, November 29, 2009
Big Losers In Honduras Election, Barack Obama, Hugo Chavez

The results from today's elections in Honduras are beginning to roll in and it looks as if Porfirio Lobo,from Honduran opposition National Party, is leading in the election at least according to the local media.

According to preliminary data, the 61-year-old opposition leader received around 56% of the vote. His main rival, 46-year-old businessman Elvin Santos representing the ruling Liberal Party, came second in the presidential race, with about 38% of the vote.

Even if the trend continues the Liberal party will not be the big loser today, Hugo Chavez, whose imperialist goals were thwarted when President Zelaya was ousted from office and US President Obama who supported those imperialist goals.

The former President's disposal, ordered by the Honduras Supreme Court, was in line with the Honduras Constitution.  Zelaya was following the direction of his buddy Chavez by illegally attempting to stay in power despite the constitutional ban on running for another term. There is even a constitutional ban on revising the Presidential term limit. While the military removed him from office, they immediately returned power to the civilian leadership. The interim President, Roberto Micheletti was even from the same party as the deposed president.

After he was disposed, it was learned that Zelaya had even printed ballots to conduct an illegal election amending the Honduras constitution.  It was no surprise to also learn that the ballots were printed in Mr. Chavez's Venezuela. 

Soon after Former President Zelaya was deposed for trying to go around his country's constitution, Our Potus "Nobel Peace Prize winner" took a position against democracy, the  Honduras Constitution, and for Hugo Chavez.

"America supports now the restoration of the democratically-elected President of Honduras, even though he has strongly opposed American policies," the president told graduate students at the commencement ceremony of Moscow's New Economic School. "We do so not because we agree with him. We do so because we respect the universal principle that people should choose their own leaders, whether they are leaders we agree with or not." President Obama 7/9/09

Today, the Honduras elections were held, former President Zelaya is still holed up in the Brazilian embassy after sneaking back into the country in September, thankfully the  POTUS recently changed his mind and is  indicating that the United States will support the results of the election.

No matter what candidate wins, Honduras and Democracy are the big winners, Hugo Chavez and Barack Obama are the losers.

Israel became the fifth country to officially announce that it would recognize the results of Sunday's elections in Honduras, the Honduran TV has said.

"The government of Israel hopes that the voting would go on in a calm atmosphere and, in this case, it will recognize its results and the legitimacy of the elected president," Israel's ambassador to the Central American state, Eliahu Lîpez, has said.

The U.S., Peru, Panama and Costa Rica have so far announced they would to recognize the results.
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-- Warph

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