
Started by Teresa, September 02, 2009, 12:29:29 PM

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Kjell told me a few weeks ago that The Elk County website is growing F-A-S-T! Maybe its the controversy in the politics.. ( Kjell says every crowd gathers for a fight.. LOL) 
Maybe it is the picked up interest in  the olden days.. Maybe its just that word is getting out and spreading.. But what ever the  reason..it is growing......which is what he had in his vision for this little community in the beginning..
My apologies to everyone who I have crawled on the last few weeks.. Doesn't mean I didn't believe and mean the things I said.. it just means I probably should have chosen less harsh words and tones or totally backed way away from the  heavy energies that I was encountering..and not said anything and kept my mouth shut.. instead of allowing myself to be pulled  into the negative swirl of things..

This does not mean that those of you who e-mail me or pm me with problems and issues concerning the forum can't continue to do so. You will always have my trust and ear on situations which you need to address.
The difference is I will not feed off it and be responding in an indirect manner by posting on the forum... but I will respond only to your messages  personally. 

This might not make sense to some of you.. but "energies" swirl around me like a fog sometimes..even known to land long distance. Some call it a "gift"...  :-\ I'm not real sure what I call it.. Sometimes it is a gift when I need it to be.. and other times when it is random.. it is more like a curse..
((I've had to learn to 'protect myself" when I do massages because I am such an energy magnet.. ))

Lately for the past few months.. I seem to be on overload.. which makes for easy access for energies opposite mine to hunt me down and hang on.. and I seem to be letting them.. which is not good. My fault, totally!
I'm working on it....but with our expansion on the horizon that will mean more "people projects" in the future.. I'm really going to have to buff up on my protective shield.. So .. I want everyone to continue to enjoy the forum.
The moderators will be in charge of keeping the peace and keeping me up to date on matters that need technical  assistance.
If you have any suggestions in any way.. please let them be known and we will do our best on this end to make it happen.

Once again.. I apologize for being so stressed and crabby..It's unacceptable..

and Pam.. ( on that post in the political thread??)
I sent you a pm.
If I had anything to say to you..(Since we share personal e-mail and # .).I would have called you or written you personally.. .you know that..   :)

Thanks for your membership and contributions to this forum.. The reason we have the growth is because of ALL  that is done by ALL of you.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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