Racial Stuff

Started by redcliffsw, July 28, 2009, 08:26:48 AM

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A post-racial president?

Many people hoped that the election of a black president of the United States would mark our entering a "post-racial" era, when we could finally put some ugly aspects of our history behind us.

That is quite understandable. But it takes two to tango. Those of us who want to see racism on its way out need to realize that others benefit greatly from crying racism. They benefit politically, financially and socially.

Barack Obama has been allied with such people for decades. He found it expedient to appeal to a wider electorate as a post-racial candidate, just as he has found it expedient to say a lot of other popular things – about campaign finance, about transparency in government, about not rushing legislation through Congress without having it first posted on the Internet long enough to be studied – all of which turned to be the direct opposite of what he actually did after getting elected.

Those who were shocked at President Obama's cheap shot at the Cambridge police for being "stupid" in arresting Henry Louis Gates must have been among those who let their wishes prevail over the obvious implications of Obama's 20 years of association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Anyone who can believe that Obama did not understand what the racist rants of Jeremiah Wright meant can believe anything.

With race – as with campaign finance, transparency and the rest – Barack Obama knows what the public wants to hear and that is what he has said. But his policies as president have been the opposite of his rhetoric, with race as with other issues.

(Column continues below)



There are things in this article that millions have been saying to a media biased public since BHO set foot on the scene..

President Obama's background as a community organizer has received far too little attention, though it should have been a high-alert warning that this was no post-racial figure.What does a community organizer do? What he does not do is organize a community. What he organizes are the resentments and paranoia within a community, directing those feelings against other communities, from whom either benefits or revenge are to be gotten, using whatever rhetoric or tactics will accomplish that purpose.

To think that someone who has spent years promoting grievance and polarization was going to bring us all together as president is a triumph of wishful thinking over reality.

President Obama's first nominee to the Supreme Court is, like Obama himself, someone with a background of years of affiliation with an organization dedicated to promoting racial resentments and a sense of racial entitlement.

Michelle and Barack both are as racially  originated as they come.. They're both got long histories of actions that speak volumes.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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