Memorable Elk County Fishing Spots

Started by flintauqua, August 25, 2009, 06:21:28 PM

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Ole Granny

Always we had permission where we fished.  Now I would need to fish at a close pond or lake where there was not much walking.  Use to go the the Crater Lakesi in Colorado with uncles, brothers and my Dad. You had to walk in.  Talk about cool clear water and the trout.  Here I go again..  Maybe the pink rainbow is my favorite.  Depends where you are.........
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


Granny, Frank & I used to fish a lot when we were first married.  We had several ponds that we had permission to fish and would go on Saturday evening, take our supper fish all night and fix breakfast before coming back to town.  Also fished in some creeks and the river!  What fun!  Oh, except for the time we built a bon-fire and I got poison ivey all over the back of my legs!  It was July and HOT---sure was hard to wear nylon hose to work with poison ivey. 

Frank took two of our grandchildren and our oldest son fishing last Saturday -- what fun they had.  Our granddaughter is 6--she caught the most and the smallest fish!

Ole Granny

Fishing with my Dad are some of my fondest memories.  And the worse.  Remember one time when I stepped on his brand new fly pole and the snapping sound was deafening.  I was probably about nine.  His heart probably was in the same condition as mine at the sound of the snap.  It was hard to come up with money for the special things.  We use to seine for minnows with a seine that Grandpa had hand tied.  Used it for many years.  Repaired it many times. My two oldest daughter like to fish but the others are too girlie. Would not hurt a little worm or fish.  Two grandson fish, hunt and very good shots.  We don't seem to have time for it any more.  Also, love turtle soup.  Give me a good old snapping turtle and lunch will be served.

Jerry could not walk down wind of poison ivy or he would have it all over.  It is a painful irritating rash as memory serves me.  One time for me and that was enough.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

W. Gray

When I was little, I once seined in Rock Creek just south of the bridge out by the cemetery. Well, anyway, I helped. Okay, I watched as my Dad and my uncle came up with a surprising amount of bait.

There was not much water in the creek but there were large pools here and there. I did notice a big rock wall which made the creek take a turn. By and large I thought Rock Creek was pretty lackluster, tame, and boring.

One year though, after heavy rains, the creek was bank full and water came flowing fast and heavy under the bridge crashing up against that rock bluff making a heck of a loud noise. From within the southeast part of the cemetery looking out and down from the fence, and when the water is up, Rock Creek looks like a good size river flowing by.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


OK, this is a wild shot in the dark that maybe some of you can help me figure out. My most memorable fishing spot in Elk.

Here is what I remember about the place from the late 60's early 70's. The place was a special place that we went to catch crappie. It was near Howard and on a paved highway. I think it was near a cemetery. We used to sit on the limestone walls of the bridge and fish in the 25 foot wide creek\stream below. I know that is not much info., but it seems to me that it was a unique special place because of the great crappie fishing. Just a stab in the dark.


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