MAXWELL Margaret Ellen (McMillen) - b. March 19, 1858 - d. March 27, 1911

Started by Janet Harrington, September 17, 2006, 05:42:14 PM

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Janet Harrington

  Margaret Ellen McMillen was born in Jefferson county, Missouri, March 19, 1858, died in Howard, Kansas, March 27, 1911, age 53 years, and 8 days.
  She, with her parents, moved in 1860 to Randolph county, Illinois where she lived until in December 24, 1874 she was married, in Lilly Grove, Illinois, to Z. H. Maxwell.  They came to Pittsburg Kansas in 1883, then later in the same year they moved to Elk county, Kansas.
  To them were born eight children, four sons and four daughters, five of whom survive:  Rosa Wheeler, T.A. Maxwell, Willis R. Maxwell, Virgie Tarwater and Minnie Maxwell, Howard, Kansas.  She also leaves five grandchildren.  Three of her children died in infancy, Wm. E., Geo. L., and Katie.
  She was converted in 1891 and joined the Baptist chruch of Howard, Kansas.  Later having moved to Clear Creek neighborhood there she in 1900 united with the Methodist Episcopal Church.  Afterward moving back to Howard she transferrer her membership to the Methodist church of Howard of which she was a member at the time of her death.
  She lived a life filled more or less with grief and sorrow.  But in all her trials she was a courageous faithful Christian.  Her last sickness was of long duration, much pain and gradual weakening until the end.  In it all she manifested much paitence and a strong faith in God.  Besides her relatives a host of friends mourn her departure.
  The funeral services were hel in the Clear Creek church by Rev. T. A. Nichols.

(A separate news clipping)

  Mrs. Ellen Maxwell died at her home in this city Monday evening March 27, at 9:20.  Her death was from cancer and her sufferings for a year or more were intense.  She had the loving care of her children and her every want was supplied.  Mrs. Maxwell had lived many years in Howard and was a noble good woman, who took up the hard duties of life, and bore her sufferings like a hero.  The funeral was held at the Clear creek church today at 11 o'clock.

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