
Started by Tobina+1, April 20, 2009, 08:57:15 AM

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Congratulations!  I noticed that you had changed your forum name yesterday and was wondering why.  Children are a real blessing and sometimes a royal pain, but you have to deal with the pain so you can enjoy the blessing.  When my first granddaughter was ready to be born, we were all standing around the room and my son-in-law was all decked out to go into the delivery room.  I put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Welcome to the next wonderful 18 years of your life."  As mentioned here, grandchildren are just as much a blessing as children and the old adage is true----------Grandchildren are wonderful little people to have around and then they go home!!!!!  ;D     Larryj
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Congratulations and best wishes Tobina and Chuck.



Sword with a double edged blade...it'll cut you either way.


Yes, I've had lots of offers of boy clothes lately... I think Elk County needs some more girls to balance the count out!   :)
I had to laugh in the beginning, when I would tell people the "good news", the first thing they'd tell me is all their own pregnancy "bad news".  It was a little disheartening when you're first pregnant and want everyone to just be as excited as you are!  But now I've experienced some of the "bad news" myself and understand.  But I will not do that to any other new expectant mother, I've promised myself!
It's also funny the conflicting advice people give me... chew mints, don't chew mints.  Drink milk, don't drink milk.  Eat ginger, drink ginger ale.  I've figured out that each person is different... as is each pregnancy... as is each DAY during the pregnancy!  My kitchen shelves are stocked with things I've ran to the grocery store and bought for a craving, and either didn't even open it or only ate it once!
I've been reading a really funny book called "The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy".  They pretty much tell it how it is... but in really funny ways!  Much better than the "What to Expect" book; I go so scared after reading the first few weeks of that book that I haven't picked it back up yet!
Thanks again for all the well-wishes!

Jo McDonald

Tobina and Chuck.  How absolutely wonderful ---If I could have, I would have been pregnant ALL of the time.  I felt wonderful and
feeling that little being move inside you is without a doubt the best feeling in the world. 
However, I did not get my wish, but sure enjoyed the two times that I was and had two beautiful little girls that grew to be two
beautiful, loving, caring women, and they gave us three more little ones, and I finally got to hold boy babies and another precious girl
baby.  Life does not get any better than being  parents, then Grandparents, then the best of the best  GREAT grands.

  God Bless you and yours.



Tobino.. I just got home from working in Tulsa most of last week..
Didn't have time to even look at the computer.. so let me also congratulate you on your wonderful news.
I felt like a million bucks while I was pregnant with both boys .. Never let it stop any thing I did  even though I was bigger than 2 barns put together.. ;D
You are right.. When you get pregnant everyone wants to tell you 'their story".. LOL

Only thing I can tell you is everyone is different .. even if you are sisters... My labor was hard and fast.. my poor sisters was long long long and slow.. ( and yep.. they both hurt) hahaha   :D but never will you go through a pain that is so worth the outcome.

I have said this many times..
Each time... as soon as they put my baby boy in my arms.. I fell in love like I have never fallen in love.
Understand...  :D....There will be lots of frustration and headaches...  ;D & that love ( and your sanity) will be tested one million times a day ..but never ever will it waver for even a nano second. Unconditional love takes on a whole new meaning when you have your children.. 

Motherhood is a joy like non other..
Enjoy every single minute of carrying your miracle..and enjoy every minute of their lives after that. 

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