Liberals are Pinheads

Started by Warph, November 30, 2008, 01:58:24 AM

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Whenever I refer to liberals as pinheads, chowderheads, morons and flakes, I can always count on angry responses.  Invariably, they will accuse me of stooping to insult them, instead of dealing with specific issues.

The fact is, I am always dealing with issues, be it the left's adoration of the U.N.; their cockeyed belief in man-made global warming; their constant attacks on the first two amendments; their intolerance of Christian traditions and symbols, which, by the way, relies entirely on an intentional misreading of the Constitution, a document which does not and never has contained the words "separation of church and state" (generally traced to the letter written by Thomas Jefferson in 1802 to the Danbury Baptists); their contempt for the U.S. military; the alleged supremacy of Islamic and illegal alien, rights; their opposition to capital punishment; their support of judges who legislate from the bench; and their affinity for professors and journalists who feel their duty is to indoctrinate rather than educate or report.

It's only in the context of taking liberals to task that I ever make my ad hominem attacks. And please believe me, when I call them pinheads, lamebrains and ignoramuses, I honestly believe I am being kind and letting them off far easier than they deserve.  Would they really prefer traitors, Quislings and Communists?  If so, I'd be only too happy to oblige.

The truth is, it's left-wingers who make a practice of evading the issues.  For instance, I have yet to have anyone on the left enumerate the rights he lost because of the Patriot Act.  I have yet to have any of them explain to me how it is that we invaded Iraq for oil but failed to confiscate even a single drop.  Also, I have never had a liberal name all those countries that hate America because of George Bush.  Even when I offer to help them get started by suggesting Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen, North Korea and Cuba, they refuse to engage me.

I have also never had a leftist explain his love affair with socialism and communism, forms of tyranny which have led to unparalleled human misery wherever they have been introduced.  But, then, what sort of freedom lovers side with the PLO, Hamas and Hezbollah, against Israel and make cultural icons of Fidel Castro,Che Guevara and that fat clown, Cesar Chavez?

Silence is the same response I get when I have asked liberals, who allegedly favor honest elections, why they have never spoken out against ACORN, and why, although they pay lip service to free speech, people like David Horowitz and Ann Coulter require bodyguards when they appear on college campuses.  And why is it that liberals, who already control newspapers, magazines and TV, are pushing for the "Fairness Doctrine" in a blatant, fascistic, attempt to keep conservative voices off the radio?

What sort of people are they who will defend the rights of pornographers and pedophiles to promote themselves in the public marketplace, but feel entitled to banish the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Michael Medved, Dennis Prager, High Hewitt, Dennis Miller, Sean Hannity, Michael Reagan, Laura Ingraham, Larry Elder and Bill O'Reilly, from the marketplace of ideas?

Liberals are in favor of open borders because they feel sorry for those people sneaking across.  It doesn't occur to liberals that American citizens suffer from the influx of twenty million impoverished illiterates. They are not concerned with the drain on schools, hospitals, jobs and prisons, because what's important for liberals is that they feel good about themselves.  It's a unique type of selfishness because it's disguised as an altruistic concern for others.  It's the same reason they oppose capital punishment.  They don't care about the victims or their loved ones.  Any schmuck, after all, can sympathize with innocent people.  But it takes a very special kind of individual to hold a candlelight vigil for a monster who's raped and murdered a child.  A very special kind, indeed.

If I had to describe liberals in a single word it would probably be "CLOWN" (for want of a better word).   In most cases, I wouldn't regard that word as a pejorative.  As it relates to liberals, it simply means that feelings trump everything else.  So it is that liberals love the idea of the U.N., excited by the notion of a lot of nations sitting down and talking out their problems, as if to a marriage counselor. Unfortunately, when dealing with evil nations with evil intentions, the U.N. is nothing better than a bad joke.  Partly that's because it is inept and partly because it's as weak as its weakest link and, for good measure, is as corrupt as Chicago politics.

Quite recently, it struck me that it's not that the MainStream Media has done everything in its considerable power to spin, deny or conceal, all the unpleasant truths about ACORN, Rev. Wright, Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers and his wife, the Annenberg Challenge and the where-abouts of Obama's real birth certificate, that upsets me the most. The thing that truly depresses me is that millions of my fellow Americans know the truth, but simply don't seem to care.

They also don't seem too concerned that in a 2001 radio interview, Obama declared that his problem with the Warren Court was that although it ruled in favor of Civil Rights, it was not sufficiently radical when it came to redistribution of wealth.
(Listen to the interview: )  Apparently, Obama thinks the Founding Fathers should have included that in the Bill of Rights.

Obama can deny it all he likes, but anyone who subscribes to the belief that we should adopt a fiscal policy based on "From everyone according to his abilities to everyone according to his needs" is a disciple not of Warren Buffet, but of Karl Marx.  Still, as some cynic once observed, when you rob Peter to pay Paul, don't expect Paul to raise any objections.  So, even though Obama claims he will cut income taxes for 95% of us, even though he knows full well that over 30% of us don't even pay a single penny in income taxes, millions of Pauls are ready and eager to vote for this con man.

Frankly, I find it amazing and pathetic that so many Americans are anxious to finish the job begun by FDR to turn us into a socialist state.  Is it simply because they long for America to go the way of China, the Soviet Union, Venezuela, North Korea and Cuba, or do they simply not give a damn?  Sheep, after all, are not known for their spirit of independence or their intelligence.

When I suggest that socialism often leads to tyranny, I am not indulging in right-wing hyperbole.  After all, aside from control of capital and the means of production, one of the essentials of all dictatorships is central control of the media.  In 2008, the left already controls most of the MSM, not to mention the liberal arts departments on most college campuses.

The warning signs are all around us.  Recently, as you may have heard, Beverly West, a reporter with Florida television station WFTV, dared to ask Joe Biden whether Obama's connection to ACORN was a legitimate concern and whether Obama's response to Joe the Plumber was Marxist.  As a result, the Obama/Biden campaign informed WFTV that it was cutting off access because of such rude questions.

The American Issues Project, whose TV ad called for an examination of the Obama/Bill Ayers connection, led to the Obama machine's demand that the Justice Department begin a criminal investigation of the AIP.
The idea that the AIP should be investigated for running a legitimate TV ad, but ACORN should not be prosecuted for perpetuating voter fraud is the sort of thing that George Orwell would have dealt with if he'd lived long enough to write a sequel to "1984."

Now that Obama is the President-elect, there's no question that the Democrats will pass the ill-named Fairness Doctrine (, thus ensuring that talk radio, the only part of the MSM not fully under control of the far left, will be silenced once and for all.

After that, the Right's only means of communication will be smoke signals. That is assuming that under Obama's new order they'll be able to afford blankets. 

Now, any Liberal that wants to jump in here and expound why they think I'm wrong, be my guest.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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