First National Is Robbed

Started by genealogynut, August 23, 2006, 03:13:45 PM

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Howard Courant-Citizen
Thursday, March 23, 1944

Lone Bandit Makes Bold Daylight Raid Tuesday Afternoon, Securing Over $800 in Currency

Tuesday afternoon about 2:00 o'clock a lone bandit entered the  First National Bank and ordered the employees to hand over the currency in the tills, backing his demands with a big revolver.  T. J. McKinney, president, W. L. Morss, vice president,  H.E. Turner, cashier, and Miss Jean Perrin, bookkeeper, were all in the bank at the time, but when the bandit entered there were no customers in the bank.  Mr. McKinney made an attempt to secure a gun from the vault after which the bandit ordered the others to shut the vault door with Mr. McKinney inside.  He promptly pressed the alarm but by the time officers could arrive the bandit had gotten into his car, which had been parked just north of the bank entrance, and drove away, going one block south and then east to the edge of town when it is believed he went north on Highway 99.  No shots were fired and as the afternoon was very rainy and cloudy not many knew of the robbery until it was all over.

Between eight and nine hundred dollars were secured, most of it being in bills of small denominations.

The sheriff, state patrolmen and FBI agents have been following all leads, but to date nothing very definite is known. Witnesses are not all agreed on the make of car used by the talented visitor, some claiming it to be a Ford Tudor, while others pronounce it a Studebaker.  The car bore no license plates.

The man is described to be about 38 years of age, about six feet tall and wore a rain coat.

The entire robbery and get-away is very similar to the one at the Howard Natinal Bank a year or more ago, also the robbery at Severy, and many believe the work was all done by the same man.

The bank funds were fully covered by insurance.

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