Just a Question!!

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, October 22, 2008, 07:29:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

Angie, did you think to take photos of the dirt? It would be easier if you had a tighter contract listing exactly how things were to be left in order to have the deposit returned.


To rent or not to rent that is the question. 

If you don't want to police the property and the tenants than don't be a landlord. 

You should have been nicer landlord and offered to help them move. 

...Sometimes things fall out of the back of the truck.



The Kansas Residential Landlord Tenant Act is the governing document in Kansas.  It's long however if you intend on being a landlord for any length of time I would recommend reading this. 



58-2504. Termination of tenancy
at will; notice. Thirty days' notice
in writing is necessary to be given
by either party before he or she can
terminate a tenancy at will, or from
one period to another of three months
or less; but where in any case rent
is reserved payable at intervals of
less than thirty days, the length of
notice need not be greater than such
interval between the days of payment:
Provided, however, That when premises
are furnished or let by an employer
to an employee, said tenancy shall
cease and determine ten days after
written notice to vacate: Provided
further, That not more than fifteen
(15) days' notice in writing by a
tenant shall be necessary to
terminate any tenancy as described in
this section of persons in the
military service of the United States
in which the termination of tenancy
is necessitated by military orders.

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