"How I Shot Obama.....

Started by Warph, October 16, 2008, 12:29:10 AM

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.... Down With "The Obama File."

I answer to Beckwith.  I live in the northeast US -- behind enemy lines (that's humor).  I'm an old guy and old school.  I'm a veteran, made my living as a technologist and am now retired.  My politics are conservative.  I am registered to vote as "Unenrolled."  That means I'm registered to vote, but am not affiliated with any political party or organization.  My agenda is simple and clear.  I am opposed to a socialist sitting in the Oval Office.  It's bad enough we have these two, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

Remember, Barack Obama and the Obamalytes describe any bit of information they don't like as a lie, a smear, a distraction or Swiftboating.  If that doesn't work they sick their agents in the media and their lawyers on you.  I know they do because they did it to me and there are a dozen other instances in these pages of the Obamalytes using the tactics of intimidation to suppress free expression

Reach me at: Beckwith at TheObamaFile dot com -- in proper form, of course.  Lunatics, save your time.  You'll just pound away at the keyboard, taking all that time and getting all hyperventilated, and I'll just hit the "Delete" button as soon as I recognize the ramblings of someone out on a three-day pass.  I don't respond to cultural Marxist pejoratives, such as "fascist," "racist," "homophobe" etc.

The Stuff
I don't write this stuff.  I cherry-pick it and archive it here.  The overwhelming number of items in this archive are from mainstream media sources and what I believe are reliable, if sometimes partisan, blogs.  I make every attempt to provide attribution and/or links to the original source.  Many of the items in this archive have multiple sources/links.  If you don't like the writer's viewpoint, send them an email, not me.

If the reader finds content that is incorrect, I will correct or delete it upon the submission of two links to  reliable sources with more accurate information.  I want the stuff in here to be as correct as possible.

It's important to understand that most of what we know about Barack Obama, was written by Barack Obama (maybe with a little polishing by Bill Ayers), and much of that is demonstrably false. 

Barack Hussein Obama is a myth, mostly of his own making.

Barack Obama is 48 years of age and there is no paper trail.  There is positively no documentation of this man's life.  This is not an accident.  He can be anybody he wants to be and is.

Occasionally, I will add a comment (usually blue and italicized) so you know its not the original author.  My impulse to comment is an ethnic thing.

Here are a few "Cherry-Pickers" I've come up with.  These are all Facts and on Record:

The latest "Obamanation Crap"   

Obama Supporters: What an "IDIOT LIST" looks like

Do you want this hate-mongering female in your White House?

The Obama Video's

How Obama became a Marxist.

Obama's Family Ties.

Obama and his Islam Ties.

Obama's Religion

Obama's Campaign

Obama's Advisors

Obama: State Senator

Obama: U.S. Senator

Obama Quotes
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Sad thing is.. when you give the Liberals FACT..they still choose to close their eyes and pretend that all is wonderful in ObamaLand. I would bet the little bit of paycheck I will get to keep after Obama takes the rest to give it to god knows who.. ..that the socialists one world government voters will not even take the time to read or look at this.

Why 'look' when you won't take off your blinders to 'see'.

You know? I have ask God for help in trying to understand why the human race is so hell bent on to trying to vote in someone who is for one world government. I have to put my faith in the fact that maybe God needs to cleanse the world once again. So he has to allow it to hit the bottom and fall to its knees to ever begin the process of starting over.
Obama is the straw that will break the United States back.
Throw this country into a socialist world where government rules every move you make .. where freedoms of all kinds are slowly pulled from you.. where the constitution is maneuvered and twisted.. where the illegals of every sector will soon be the majority...where American business's are taxed out of business...and you will see an uprising of the worst kind.

I don't fear for me.... I fear for my children and my precious grandchildren. For even as the world is as screwed up as it is.. in a few years .. it will be at a place where there is no turning back.  :'(
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


QuoteI don't fear for me.... I fear for my children and my precious grandchildren. For even as the world is as screwed up as it is.. in a few years .. it will be at a place where there is no turning back.

Teresa, I'm one of those people who believe it isn't EVER gonna believe it's too late to turn it around, don't lose hope, as long as there are people who care it ain't EVER gonna be too late. We can give our children and grandchildren a good world yet. I refuse to think I can't  :P
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Quote from: Teresa on October 16, 2008, 10:53:12 AMI have ask God for help in trying to understand why the human race is so hell bent on to trying to vote in someone who is for one world government.

That would actually be because of God really. It says in the Bible there will be a one world government meaning that it must be God's will for there to be one - simply one of the many things that will be happening in the "end times". The real question should be... is this the one, is this that time? There have been many things that have happened in the past that made it look like it was potentially the end times (like things that could have led to the tribulation and such) but there were still some specific things missing.

It sure does feel like that's what is happening... but, we'll see before long. :-\

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