Halloween Costumes

Started by Devyn-Leann, September 04, 2008, 11:20:57 AM

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Tobina, I was actually looking at homemade Halloween costumes for Lane last night and Billy told me to get it out of my head! When is the first day of fall anyhow?


All our Halloween costumes were homemade.  You gotta start early to get the idea and then figure out how to do it.  We should start a thread for just that!


Hey everyone!!  I saw that Devyn and Tobina were talking about homemade halloween costumes.  I thought I would start a thread on here about those.  I am going to attempt to make my girls their costumes this year.  One is going to be an indian, the other a pink cat girl, and the last one don't know yet.  I am getting the patterns off of ebay, and they are cheap!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


A pea pod?


That is so funny..
I have never heard of anyone being a pea pod.. LOL
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I made most of our boys' costumes.  They were a Fireman, Robin Hood, Zorro, an adorable baby Cesar in toga & laurel leaf crown, Feivel (borrowed the hat from a stuffed doll), a policeman (with some stuff borrowed from friends), a Centurion, Taz, Neptune, Grim Reaper, Mummy, Scarecrow... I think that's most of them.  I made a cute clown costume one year, but the boys both vetoed it.  And Marty was George of the Jungle one year at the bank ~ he had lots of fun with that!

The scarecrow was the last straw (so to speak) and they refused to dress up anymore.  Oh well, it was fun while it lasted...

I did get a Chili Pepper outfit for my soon to be born grandson, but I bought it online ~ couldn't resist!


I have made Parker Sleeping Beauty.  And one year I made both Parker and Rebecca Purple Fairies.  I still need to find something for Harlee this year.  The thing about making the girls the costumes is that they use them for dress up.  My sister in law made a skunk costume out of a hoody and filled the tail with the packing stuff.  It was so cute, but my other sister in law borrowed it and stained it.  But anyway, I wanted to make the girls matching costumes, but Parker didn't want to be like the other girls.  So maybe I will make Harlee's and Rebecca's the same, who knows!!!  I am excited to get the patterns and then I can get the material. 
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


girls, girls, girls.! ! ! I raised three daughters and NEVER bought a costume or a pattern and dang sure didn't rent any costumes.  Improvise - - - they have been a pirate, complete with eye patch and sword (Pam in kdgn, 1st prize), typical housewife (Pam in 4th grade, 1st prize), octapus (Lynn in 3rd grade, 1st prize), boxer (Kelly in 4th grade, 1st prize) , the Thing ( Pam in 3rd grade, 2nd or 3rd prize) , and many other costumes.  Can't remember them all right now. All these costumes were made from things we already had around the house, except the "thing" and that was just a lot of brown crepe paper cut in strips and draped from the top of her head then a big pair of sunglasses.  Course you young mothers probably don't know what the "thing" is.  ::)  Anyhow, homemade costumes are the best costumes.  Have fun and don't forget to bring them to my house for treats. ;D

Diane Amberg

The Adams family may still be shown on reruns, so maybe Thing is still known.


This talk about Halloween costumes brings back memories.  I don't know when the trend of dressing up for school parties started.  Some time between my childhood and my children's childhood.  I always let my girls decide what they wanted to be and helped them assemble their costumes.  Of course, they couldn't compete with their classmates mothers but they did have the satisfaction of doing it themselves.  My youngest daughter still makes costumes for her grandchildren.  They decide what they want and she makes them, sometimes using patterns and sometimes making her own patterns.  Last year her 6 year old grandson insisted that grandma make his costume.  I don't remember what he wanted, but it had to be made by her.


We had homemade costumes every year!  Of course I can't hardly remember any of them right now... Pinnochio (sp?)  I had an ice cream cone paper wrap (you know the funnel kind) for my nose, and I think my mom made the vest and hat out of felt.  My sister was a present one year (you know, a wrapped gift).  It was cute... until we had to load up in the car and go trick-or-treating around all our county neighbors... box off, kid in, kid out, box on... you get the picture... 10 times over...
Punk rockers were popular for a couple of years... all that colored hair spray paint... our hair was pink for days (as was the tub).
Have them get creative!  Family Tree (brown clothes with some leaves and branches on a hat, have pictures of family hanging from arms).  Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus (have them dress half in one outfit, half in the other... half blond, half brown... or have a friend be one girl and she can be the other).  I posted picts of my sister and her baby last year.  She was a flower and he was a bee (in the front-pack).
Last year, my hubby and I went as the "well-hung man" and the "trophy wife".  He dressed up with a noose around his neck, and I had a huge ring pop on my finger and carried a trophy that said "Mrs. Norris".

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