Looking for Job opportunities

Started by WichitaRules, July 09, 2006, 07:26:04 PM

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I've grown up in Wichita but am tired of the nonstop hussle and busy ways. We're wanting to move to Howard, or at least in elk county. But we've realized that since the whole county is smaller then wichita and less populated that finding a good job may get tricky. So I'm turning to you all fine folk. I have experience in all types of lawncare and landscaping. I have had my hands in Mowing, tree trimming, fertilizing, landscaping, irrigation,etc. I've also been a manager in the field for a while now. So if anyone knows of any job opportunites were i could get a year-round job that'd be great. All i've thought of is flint oak. Thanks for any suggestions.


Are you wanting to stay in those fields?  I know the Williams have a tree cutting service, and Asplundah(not spelled right ???) are here.  That is a tough business in the winter time barring an Ice Storm.....Lord knows we don't need another one of those.


In that field I think danny covered it all. There isn't many jobs here in this area.
And if you were trying to make a living in landscaping here this year it would be slim. Unless you could landscape brown crinkly dry grass.

You haven't said how old you are or if you have a family etc.. or if you are looking into other forms of work types.
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Well A little info about me. My name is Tyler, i'm 21. My tie to Howard is my girlfriend Cristin Klotz and her daughter Avory. She's how i came to know howard.

This is what i do i'd like to stay in the field but if there's not many opportunities than i can find something else. I can learn quickly, i'm mechanically inclined and i can "almost" weld. As long as its not a desk job i could handle it.

I've only been going down to howard for a year now so i'm still learning what all there is, but cristin is teaching me about who owns what companies and what not.

I have a couple Ice storms under my belt. The one that hit in SC ks couple years ago was a big one for the company i work for now.

thanks for the replies


I have not lived in Howard for 21 years.  But, when I grew up in Howard there were a lot of people who carpooled to Wichita to work.  There are still people in Howard, Severy and Moline who drive back and forth to Wichita everyday to work.  Most, not all, of the jobs that people went back and forth to Wichita everyday were Aircraft jobs.

Also, if you are mechanically inclined, I believe Cessna is still looking for employees in the Independence plant.

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