Down the Rabbit Hole: The Death of Common Sense

Started by Warph, June 01, 2008, 01:43:54 AM

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I have said it before and I will say it again..
Anytime you "talk" using a keyboard..and there is not the sound of the persons voice or facial expressions and if you have never met that person , ( so you can "hear" them while you read what they write) there is going to be the problem of misunderstandings of "someone" lashing out" or "screaming". Even though none of that was ever taking place in reality.
For those of us who do not read other peoples viewpoints as personal jabs..we are generally shocked or amazed that others seem to see themselves in other peoples writing. For to us , it is simply a spout off viewpoint. Not a personal insult written directly to one of the 1,000 or so people who will read it. 
Believe me, as forum administrator of 3 HUGE other forums... I will delete and stop anything that is directed at a person directly... on a personal level. But just because one person thinks that something is dumb.. doesn't mean that the person who simply stated a viewpoint is dumb.  This is the mildest and most easy going general forum that we have. I marvel sometimes at what people in this small community deem "offensive" or "personal".

Politics and Religion..
2 subjects have never sparked more debate in the history of mankind than these 2 subjects. It has always been like this.. but with the internet and "forums" you get people (me included)  who are very passionate about issues.
I don't know that I have ever called anyone any names.. or signaled out any one person. If I have.. then my sincere apologies. I don't see issues as  individual problems that are anybody's fault...or attack any one person. I just don't ever do that and I never scream. I don't scream at my family or at my friends. It just isn't my nature. I am more calm when I write than ever. I am just so danged passionate with my words that it probably comes off stronger than need be. But that is what makes a good speech giver and writer.. soooooooooooooo.. kind of hell if I do and hell if I don't situation.  ;D
If someone takes what is generally being said personal. there is nothing at all anyone can do about that. If this forum was only about sweet and nice things ..and the weather and what grows in your garden and who died and history of 100 yrs ago.. would it not be a bit boring? If that is what you all want.. I can jerk this politics and religion thread down in a heartbeat. All you have to do is tell me..and if the majority want it .. it's gone.It is the "people forum" given as a gift to you all to discuss "whatever". I can add boards and take them away if the general % wants.. I wouldn't take it personal at all.
Maybe we should have a vote and start a poll... ( but that is for later)
let me finish here.

Politics is politics.. Some like McCain ..some like Obama..
I have made no bones about how I feel as several others of you in here have also done. But do I take personally what the Obama / Hillary supporters say? Absolutely not. ( I wish McCain had Obama speaking talent. ) Do I continue to stand for my beliefs and state what I am feeling? Sure... I think everyone should ..even if you are a minority in a group. Be strong and if you believe in something.. then by golly BELIEVE in it...and if you find you are wrong or want to change your mind.. then you can do that too.

If you have issues with issues?? . This is the place to get them out on the table.
No.. it doesn't solve the country's problems but sometimes it just feels good to get it out and root for your team!
There is always going to be 2  teams.. and one is gonna win and one side isn't going to be happy...
so........ you suck it up and do the best you can with what you got.

You can not have a large group of people who are conversing and sharing different opinions ( thank god for that) and not have some emotions.
Screaming? I wasn't at all. Talking like when I have to give speeches?...................with strong conviction and truth of what I believe in.. ??
Yea I guess I do. :-\
I didn't think Pam was screaming either. She is simply voicing how she feels that maybe doesn't agree with someone else.
but I thought that was what heavy discussions were about.  She and I don't see eye to eye on things but I would still invite her over for hamburgers and some fun. One has nothing to do with the other.

Hell, I can have conversations like this and in the next sentence to someone bring them a cup of coffee and talk about canning pickles.  ;D and make plans to go to a movie together. I hold nothing personal and you can ask anyone anywhere and they will tell you that I may sound like a hard ass when I write.... but I am the most forgiving and easy going person you can deal with.
**I take that back.. there is one person in this lifetime that I literally despise.**.. so I DO have it in me to be unforgiving.  :P

But...I am not going to change the way I am and worry about being politically correct for fear of stepping on toes because someone  believes different than I do. .. as no one should have to do that.
If conversations and discussions and totally different opinions can not be discussed openly and honestly.. then what is the use of talking to each other at all? I don't think that we should be robots who are programmed to only talk about what is acceptable. Sorry. I have too much energy inside me to passively stand back and let it roll by me... without wanting to get in there and find out why someone else feels that way. More often than not, I think anyone of us see both sides on some issues. And sometimes we don't. That's okay.
  I am an adult as those in this forum are. ...and thought that most people could have full adult conversations without taking personal offense, getting mad and headin' to the house..never to play again. 
Guess I was wrong.  :'(
But there are lots of sections to this forum.. so if you don't care for what goes on in one.. stay out of it and use the other sections. ..or join in.. and get your opinion out there and let yourself be heard.
The choice is yours to make.

Thanks.. :)


PS.... just got ready to post this and read the posts...
Flo.. unfortunately ..sometimes the lord's hand slips off my mouth..( usually when he is smacking me upside the head) 
;D ;D ;D

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Not everyone thinks alike.....That is what makes forums interesting.  Heck, I have even learned a thing or two reading others opinions and learned to appreciate them.

I have a friend who always has to be right.  Doesn't matter what the topic or what is said, they are always right.  To stay friends, I just try and avoid any conversations that might lead down that road.  Sound boring?  It is, and it is a shame.

Everyone needs to learn some tolerance and appreciate the fact that it takes all kinds to make it go around.  Someone also said it would be a pretty dull forum if all we did was swap recipes, find out who died, and found out why the fire whistle went off.

I agree on both accounts. 

If I ever get aggravated enough to quit the forum, I won't make a big announcement about it.  I will just quit and keep my opinions to myself.  That is an argument I know I can dominate!

I enjoy reading everyones views, but can't say that I agree with all.  That is what makes it an interesting stirring pot of ideas and philosophy.  Please keep up the fine work everyone!!!

(Wilma, everyone's vote matters!!!)




Lol, i am glad there are people like you in the world Teresa :)
  Wilma, nobody has more hope for the human race than I do! But I also see the dark side of things, doesn't make me a pessimist.
There are a few things I get fired up about and thank God/dess I still got it in me to GET fired up!
  (gets your blood pumpin and cleans out the pipes :P)
I was told one time that if somethin makes you mad it's probly because you see some of it in yourself and I can't help if somthin I say strikes somebody that way. I have that happen a lot myself and instead of gettin mad I try to change whatever it is in myself that made me take it personal. But that's just me. I've always been able to see both sides, may not agree with em but I can see em.
I truly enjoy a good argument, you learn things, some you didn't know and some you thought you knew. And sometimes you teach sombody else somthin they needed to know.
i wasn't yellin....i have been goin against the general flow since I was old enough to pay attention. It's got me in trouble more than once but still think it's better to stand my ground than give in UNLESS I see I'm wrong.
  There are a lot of good people on here just as committed to what they believe as I am, don't mean we can't have coffee like Teresa said:) We can always talk about the weather or how crappy the garden is doin on account of it so far! lol
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


2nd Revolution

"It's important to realize that whenever you give power to politicians or bureaucrats, it will be used for what they want, not for what you want." ~ Harry Browne 
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Lord have mercy...I haven't been posting real regularly because of it being the beginning of the school year...I happened to notice a thread that I haven't had time to look at previously...and OHMIGAWD...uhm...I think, speaking tactfully here, that Teresa has been an extremely mature, insightful person to have dealt so kindly with such sophomoric reminds me of the days in 3rd grade, where if you didn't like the game being played, you took your ball and went home.  I think that the comments regarding the forum being a less-than-desirable place to visit were completely off-base and senseless...and if there was anyone who would be judgemental, it's ME.  So, pick up your ball and go home...this game will keep right on going.  LOL ::) ::)


Lol  :-[ think we were all doin the oh shucks after this one :D
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


No big deal...  ;D ;D ;D

It is way over and done with. I should  have paid better attention to the thread that I attached this new video too..  :P
Dang.. like digging up an old grave that should have stayed buried.   :D

Oh well... it was where the video belonged.. sooooooooooooooooooooo what can I say?

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


See... Common Sense has prevailed.  I guess it wasn't dead in this case after all.

Great Video, Teresa.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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