Knee Replacement Surgery

Started by Teresa, August 08, 2008, 11:31:03 PM

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If you have had a knee replacement or are going to have to have one..You might want to look at this website.
My brother in law just had his knee replaced. he is a retired professional body builder..and has one of the highest pain tolerances that I have ever known anyone to have. But this surgery has made him question his ability to block out the pain. he is doing great.. but he said it hurts like nothing in the world he has ever gone through.. Derek and Mark are going to have to have it done in a year or so .. so I have really been looking at the pictures etc.. ( have to tell you that I got queasy as hell too.. about made me want to faint.. LOL )

Here is a website.
Go to virtual knee surgery....You can see actual pictures of the surgery and then you can go into the other part and perform the surgery. That's cool..but everyone should be glad I am not a surgeon.. LOL

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


EEEeeeeeewwwww!  :P :P :P I could have gone my whole life without thinking about that.  I have an aunt that I call the Bionic Woman (not in her hearing though!)  She's had knees, elbows, hips... lots of replacements.  Comes from scrubbing and cooking and all that housework she did.  If/when I have to have it done, I'll want to be knocked out a day or so ahead and wake up the day after... maybe put me in suspended animation for a while...  Guess I'm waiting for science fact to catch up to science fiction again.  Ha!


Don't be such a girly girl.   I thought you ramboettes were supposed to be tough?  I can't imagine that the surgery hurts worse than the bumn knee does now.   

Rehab now that is some serious pain.

This is why there is liquor stores in the world.   RX are your friend.   Get you hooked then suck you dry.   

Diane Amberg

Teresa, I really enjoyed that site. I did all the surgeries and answered all the questions with only one error in picking a prosthetic plate for a knee.  I have a bunch of friends who have had knee replacements and not one had severe pain problems is no picnic.


I had a total knee replacement and it is painful, but well worth it. The key to success in knee joint replacement is get  a good surgeon, do what he tells you, and above all do your therapy. I got up to 800 repetitons of various exercises a day and it got easier everyday. I can walk all day, Quail Hunt all day, mow my yard and have no pain in the metal/plastic joint.

Diane Amberg

Frank, about how long did it take to have the knee hurt less than the knee did before the surgery?


Diane, in thinking back I would say 3 weeks give or take, I  know it hurt pretty bad for the first week. I have seen so many people get addicted to Lortab and/or substitutes for it that I refused to take it. The Dr. prescribed Darvocet and I did take it some and that helped. I can tell you all of the pain was well worth it.

Diane Amberg

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