Just stopping in to chat.

Started by Teresa, July 30, 2006, 10:23:01 PM

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Is anyone's gardens or flowers or anything still alive?
I am watering my 7 tomato plants and my few flowers I have in front, but the other flowers on the south side of the house died.. even with water.
I have some green tomatos on the vines but they haven't even got a smidgeon of red on them.

Isn't this heat just horrible?
A bunch of us were going to go out and trap shoot today  ( gotta get ready for Dove season you know) and by 6:00 there STILL wasn't a breath of air that didn't feel like it was coming off hells kitchen, so we opted to try again another day.

My hummingbirds are happy. I keep lots of fresh nector in their feeder. They just eat and fight over the feeder. I put 2 out last year and the little devils only wanted to use one and fought over that one, so this year I only put out one, and sure enough , they are still fighting over it .
Must be brother and sister.. ;D
Barbie Morgon said she has a whole bunch at their house. I only have 3 but they are so pretty.

We just got back from Tulsa on a buisness trip ,and while we were there, we stopped at the Creek Casino and also the Cherokee Casino.
We had so much fun there. I am a penny and nickle slot lover.. so I put in my $5.00 and played on that machine for over 3 hours and ended up cashing out at $42.00. It was one of those interactive ones,  where you go find treasure and down into the sucken ship ..and it was so much fun. then I left that one and went to hunt up Kjell and he was l playing on one and he put in $5.00 and ended up cashing out a ticket for $74.00. :o
We put money in other ones too and really didn't lose anything on those. Basically played on their money so we just had a ball. Found some good places to eat and all the meetings went well, so it was a good 3 days.

I guess everyone that has kids are having to think about getting them ready for school. Lordy I am glad I am out of that. Ashley starts Preschool this year and she is so worried that she won't be able to be quiet.. :D LOL LOL
And if you heard the little chatterbox, you would know why she is worried.
I swear, she never shuts her mouth. She was talking non stop to me the other day and I told her that when she started school that she would have to raise her hand  and ask permission before she could say anything. She stopped and said, "Well Mee Maw, I guess I will have to just keep my hand up all day long then , cause I really have a lot I need to say." 
::) ohhh deary me.. her poor teachers..  :D

Try to stay cool everyone... 8)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Between the heat, the kids, and the armadillo's my flowers and the ground cover I planted under the tree are just about gone :'(   
I am getting tomato's now though---although when I canning them the other morning I was wondering why I was  happy that they were coming in so well.  ???


Can you all tell that I am off work today???? haha...I never seem to get time to come into the forum much and when I do, I probably bore you all to death...

It is so hot out west here too, and windy...like duh...that is a given every day. We are very dry but we did have a ltitle rain this week which is a blessing.  We have an underground sprinker system at our house so our yard is still beautiful. I mow twice a week.  If we had to pay for water then I wouldn't be able to water like I do but we have a well so that makes it nice...just have to pay the electricity that the system takes...My flowers are still doing okay...this year my petunias have been beautiful...I wish I knew how to post a picture because then I could share with you all how pretty they are.

We still have our business in Hutch and still trying to sell it....It is a very good business but we are tired of living apart and with the 10 acres that I take care of by myself I will be glad when I have help again.  It is a lot of work but great therapy for me after working with the stress of FSA.....but I am so thankful that I have a good secure job.  I do like it obviously...I have been with them almost 22 years and I have awesome hard working staff in both of my offices.

Well, I must go to another catagory to see if I can put my thoughts somewhere else.  You lucky lucky lucky people that get to read what I write once in a blue moon.  I would like to say thank you for this forum...it is great and helps me feel closer to my sister and her family and home.



Sister.. if you want me to put a picture of your flowers and place.. send them to me and I will do it for you

XXOO  love you~
(Your very nice and beautiful sister.....and Moms favorite ,**that would be me**)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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