Started by pepelect, October 28, 2008, 08:34:50 PM

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Penny Swanson gave me a list of the Math Relay members - so I could post it here - I'll do that later - no time right now.


Okay, I'm not going to put everyone in the specific categories, but the students are (from 6th, 7th & 8th grades):

Mina Silvey
Jasmine Hall
Brandon Wolfe
Emily Perkins
Carson Jennings
Sarah Bellar
Taylor Coble
Abbie McAlister
Kiley Harrod
Trae Gillespie
Katelynn Lampson
Kaitlin Jacobs
Tristen Wilson
Riccy Burris
Kylie Bannister
Ashley Harrod
Broker Whittaker
Emily Smith
Courtney Hunter
Jacque Girard
Kanyon Kelly
Amber Wacaster
Eli Smith
Aaron Miller
Jasmine Coble
Dylan Morgan
Kaitlin Jacobs
Kyle Means
Taylor Coble
Paxton Noll
Chenise Wunderlich

If you see one of these students, or their parents and family members, or even Penny Swanson - tell them congrats!

West Elk is well represented by these students.


HOORAY!!!  Thank you, MOM, for the names.  It makes it more personal when you know who is being talked about.



I agree!  :D

The West Elk web site has a picture of the students: http://www.westelk.us/we1/

I don't know all of them, otherwise I'd try to identify everyone.

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