Park the car

Started by Teresa, June 19, 2006, 08:46:34 PM

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This has to be the most aggravating thing that I have ever tried to do.   :P
( when you use the arrows on your computer to drive.. you have to run the the up or down one with one of the side to side ones.. as this is your steering ...

Of course I crashed into everything in the parking lot...and it made me so mad that I gave up ..  >:(

Kind of reminded me of Janet when she backed out of my driveway a couple years ago..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


What an addictive fun game!  I just finished playing it for 45 minutes and found myself laughing out loud the minute I hit another car.  THere is something wrong with that, but I can't for the life of me figure out why it was so much fun. You know you're middle aged living in Howard, Kansas when, on a nice evening in June you are entertained by a parking game that doesn't involve anyone else!


 **whisper mode on** ((( Unless Janet is around)))
hee hee hee.. :D

~~ I know I give her a hard time.. ( she really does deserve it)
But she is one of my bestest friends in the world... so since I love her like a sister.. I can pick on her...  :angel:
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

Love me like a sister???  I don't think so.  You love me lots more than that.

Sherri this the same woman that drove over a gas meter, high centered on a low water bridge that she was not suppose to be on, went down a one way street the wrong way, and drove out of a gas station without taking the pump nozzle out of the gas tank???? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....Parking a car should be easy.

To beat you to the punch...the one writing this is the one that backed out of the driveway and took the door off with a tree. hahahahahaha...

Must run in the family.  Love you sis.


 >:( Dang it sister....
All the time I was reading your "tatteling" on me, I was gleefully ready to blab about the time you took off the door .. and then you had to go and tell on yourself!

( I have done a few other "accidents " that I could entertain the troops with .. but for now I will keep quiet :-X)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

Holy Buckets --- this has got to end somewhere --- my turn at the "Bad driving Machine".
  I had Vickie Marcic - and Sharron Spurrier in the car with me and I  ran into the north side of our garage door and got my car hung up and couldn't get it back OR forward.        hahahahahahahahaha      But we three were the only ones laughing --- anyway Fred was not!!
  Not a good thing!!!  Had a crooked little side mirror hanging on for dear life. 
  Then one time I backed our new truck into Danny's boat    Oh Dear !!!! That was BAD too!!
This can't be a genetic thing ***can it????
  Confession time is over...I'm out of here~~~~~


Uhhhh it sure is quiet in this section...
And I KNOW that everyone could have a story or 10 to tell..

But when I read these I am laughing out loud.. NOW..
THEN it wasn't funny at all.
No sirrreeeeeee~~ not funny at all. :'(

Come on folks... fess up.. tell about the time that you..........................??

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


hahahahahaha.... mama, remember when you backed into the light pole at Independence at Safeway...that was a scary thing....then the time we were at Wichita and you went the wrong way on the one way street???? You and Sister are good at that....hahahahahahaha....Gosh just not to long ago, I backed out of my driveway which had a huge dip in it and drug the front of my bug and tore the front bumper loose...had to duck tape may be a redneck if you put ducktape on your car to hold up your bumper. hahahahaha...the only good thing was the duck tape matched my bumper. hahahahahahaha....memories....aren't they great????


Mark and I had JUST started living together.. waaaaayyyy back in 1975. We lived in that little cement house on the west side of town.
He had saved and saved and finally was able to buy this little sports car.
It was a 1973 240 Z Datson.

Weeellll.. I drove it up town to the store..and when I came home I was going to park it inside that teeny weeny tiny garage that we had.
I think I really could have made it in there just fine, but he had also parked his big motorcycle in there and I didn't want to hit it so I kinda got too close to the side of the garage and there was this bolt sticking out.
I kinda run into the bolt and it kinda hooked into the door on the passengers side.

Well I freaked out and just sat there not knowing what to do so I thought if I turned the wheel a bit I could inch up and it would come out. So I did..
I kinda went forward actually more and a little faster than I intended.

It only hooked in more .(Made just a horrible grinding sound..) :o

By this time I was so scared I thought I was going to throw up.. so I just shut my eyes and put it in reverse and kinda floored it! Thought it would come on out the way it came in.
Wrong again!

It only tore backwards and embedded itself inside deeper in the door and cut the side of the door like a can opener. THAT was a really horrible sound.! :o

I just turned the car off and sat there and started bawling.

Mark was up in the cafe having a coffee break and I knew I had to go in and tell him.
I walked in there and the place was full of coffee drinkers and I was bawling and boo-hooing and he thought someone had died.
( No one had, but I figured I was next on the burial list)

I blubbered the story out and he calmly got up and went down to the house and took a BIG DEEP breath and calmly got in the car and finished pulling it out. Told me it was ok.. that he would fix it.

I think that if we had already been married and the relationship hadn't of been brand new... I would have likely seen the pearly gates... :angel: LOL
Said many years later that if murder hadn't of had lifetime jail time, that he would have probably used it.

Again.. kind of comical now.. but certainly wasn't then.

He ask me to this day how I "kinda" tried to fix something and only "kinda" made it worse.
To this day I "kinda" don't know.  :-\
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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