new member # 387: D Whetstone

Started by Wilma, July 13, 2008, 07:26:08 AM

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Frank, the women rule at our house, too!!!! :laugh:
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: angtown3 on July 16, 2008, 09:46:36 AMFrank, the women rule at our house, too!!!! :laugh:

;D  As, indeed, they should!   ;D


Frank, I think there's places you can purchase "male support".   :-X   :laugh:




TOBINA, I just now saw your post, you have a little ornery streak like Teresa and some of the others on here. What you ladies need to realize is you wouldn't be here if it weren't for us men, Eve sinned and Adam was forced to get involved with her and woman are still forcing us. This message will self-destruct in 3 minutes so my wife won't see it.


Them's pan-banging words, Frank!  As girls, we heard this all the time, "they don't pick on you unless they like you".  You must be the most well-liked guy on this forum!  Well, Rudy's taken his share of hits, too.
If Doc would ever join back in, he could get in on the "fun", too!   8)  Too busy savin' 9 lives, I think.


Tonina, I had 14 older brothers and sisters and they used to tell me that all of the time, and I used to ask them if they could just quit liking me for awhile. I loved them all and wish they were all here to say that to me now.

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