Started by frawin, July 14, 2008, 03:36:32 PM

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I do realize the costs to get leases and drill and I know about dry holes and I know the oil companies are workers and their families. I don't have a degree in economics but I do have real life experience in it. Life IS economics! I have worked for big companies. I've worked for Tyson, IBP(when it was still IBP) Levi Strauss, Redwood Development, and a couple other big builders which you probly never heard of. Economics affects us all small or large, it just gets us small ones sooner. I've never disrespected Frank or the work he's done in his life, we've all done what needed to be done at the time we were doin it. People can have a difference of opinion, it doesn't make them stupid or disrespectful of the other guy or even dislike them!
 I also know that by the time things get to the CEO  about all the responsibility he's got is takin the fall or the credit for it :P Lol, I type to damn slow, Dan you got a point.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Dan, as Frank said!!!! You've got the right idea!!!!!


kinda hard to remember the objective was to drain the pond when you're up to your ass in alligators.


by that I mean, when you are trying to keep a roof over your head and the heads of your children and enough food in the house to feed them, and keep the electricity and gas from being shut off, and enough gas in the car to get to work so you can do all that . . . .  then again, and I'll get hell for saying this, some people had access to opportunities that a lot of people don't.  A large percentage are just plain, backbone of America, laborers, laboring to keep their head above water and make the best with what they have, and staying out of the limelight so to speak.  Too busy making a living.........


Flo, I agree with you in part but I think there is equal opportunity for everyone, it depends on the choices we make. I don't think there is anyone on here born with any less than Myrna and I were as far as materialistic things, but I also think there is noone on here that was given more encouragement that you can do anything you want if you are willing to work for it and pursue it hard enough. Everything I wanted to do as far as moving, going to school, changing jobs, taking a job that I had to travel all over the world and leave Myrna home with 2 and three children, whatever it was , she would say let's go for it if that is what you think is best or you want to do, she was and still is my greatest cheerleader, friend and partner. I know lots of people much smarter than I am that just didn't have the confidence, drive or desire to do the things they were capable of, I respect and admire lots of those people for doing what they wanted in life, whatever it was. The lord is not going to care what materialistic things we have when the time comes and we can't take them with us. This great Nation is great because of it's people, their beliefs, values and hard work. I need to get off of my soapbox and do some work to finish my day.


Has anyone noticed besides me the hurry that dubya is in to get the okay for the oil companies to drill along the forbidden coasts? Has anyone noticed his body language a couple of weeks before he made this announcement? It was easy to see that he was hiding something. I was afraid he had decided to drop the big one on Iran, and was somewhat relieved to find that he was merely trying to get things all fixed for his big oil buddies before he left office. Has anyone noticed besides me that dubya is slurring his words when he speaks? Not the usual butchering of the english language, but really slurring his words. What's up with that? Sorry, I am not in favor of rushing into what may be an irretrievable and irreversible solution to this problem. Why hasn't this administration addressed this problem before now? This problem has been growing for thirty years or more. I am really not in favor of a knee jerk reaction here without a really good investigation. More than anything we need to leave this country for the next generations intact and unspoiled.

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